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Periodic Table 1
The group number gives us the number of electrons in the outer shell of an element.

Periodic Table 1

For GCSE Chemistry it is vital that students have a good understanding of the periodic table. In this quiz we take a look at how the periodic table is organised into groups and periods, and also at some of the information we can get about elements from their position in the table.

The ancient Greek philosophers knew very little about science, however, that didn't stop them coming up with ideas to help to explain the world around them. They believed that everything was made from four elements - fire, air, earth and water. It's a long way from our current model of over 100 elements arranged into 8 groups but there are some people who stiill believe this mystical idea! It took 1,000 years before the alchemists of Islam started to carry out experiments systematically. They managed to discover some of the materials that made up the world around them, however, since they were actually looking for a mythical substance that would turn base metals into gold (the Philosopher's Stone), they never actually thought of devising a periodic table. It would have been a very difficult task anyway because some of the substances they discovered were compounds; only a few of them were what we now know are true elements.

In the middle of the seventeenth century, Irish scientist Robert Boyle came up with a definition of an element that lasted until the the discovery of sub-atomic particles, he said that "an element is a substance that could not be broken down into a simpler substance by a chemical reaction". Twenty years after this, French scientist Antoine de Lavoisier wrote what is regarded as the first chemistry textbook. In it, he began the search to classify the elements in a meaningful way. His list of elements contained substances such as oxygen, nitrogen, mercury and zinc but there were also some compounds that he believed to be elements, plus light and heat, which at the time were still believed to be materials rather than forms of energy. His contribution to the periodic table was to classify his list of elements as metals and non metals. Unfortunately, Lavoisier was a nobleman and as a result, during the French Revolution, he was murdered by the revolutionaries - he was guillotined in Paris.

In the 1800s, chemists were regularly finding new elements and they desperately needed a way to organise them to see the patterns that were becoming evident. Many scientists made attempts at this, including a teacher called John Dalton and a French chemist called Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois (what a name!!). A Russian scientist named Dmitri Mendeleev placed the elements in order of atomic mass whereas we now use atomic number, which was unknown at the time. For the story of the periodic table, you need to go to the next quiz ... but hopefully not before you have tried this one and tested your knowledge of how the elements are arranged into the groups of the periodic table!

Mendeleev used what property of elements to sort them in his table?
Atomic number
Atomic mass
Boiling point
Initial letter
He started a new row after every 8 elements
What property is used in the modern periodic table to sort the elements?
Atomic number
Mass number
Boiling point
Initial letter
Atomic number was unknown at the time of Mendeleev
Group 1 elements are called...
transition metals
noble gases
alkaline earth metals
alkali metals
All group 1 metals react with water to produce an alkali solution
Group 8 is sometimes numbered as group 0 or group 18, but what is its trivial name?
Noble gases
Transition elements
Alkali metals
For the purposes of GCSE, these elements are regarded as being inert (unreactive)
The non-metals are found...
on the left of the table
on the right of the table
in the centre of the table
at the bottom of the table
Remember the 'step'. Some of the elements either side of the 'step' on the periodic table have properties of both metals and non-metals. They are sometimes referred to as being metalloids or semi-metals
The vertical columns of the periodic table are referred to as...
Each group has a number and many have names
Horizontal rows of the periodic table are called...
They are so-called because periodically it is necessary to begin a new row to make sure that elements with similar properties and electron configuation can be grouped together
Most schools teach using a form of the periodic table that shows only 8 group numbers. On this form of the periodic table, the group number gives us what information about an element?
The number of protons in the nucleus
The number of neutrons in the nucleus
The number of electrons in the outer shell
The number of electrons around the nucleus
Elements bond using the electrons in their outer shell, so this is a quick and useful way of finding the number of outer shell electrons without having to work out the full electron arrangement. The exception is group 8 - helium only has 2 electrons in its outer shell
Pick the correct list of elements found within the transition block.
Gold, copper, sodium, platinum, iron
Iron, gold, platinum, tungsten, nickel
Iron, platinum, mercury, magnesium, vanadium
Lithium, arsenic, copper, zinc, silver
It's not essential to know where all of the elements fit on the periodic table but it can be helpful and save you time in an exam if you know where to look for some of the most common ones
Pick the list containing ONLY non-metals.
Carbon, sulfur, aluminium, iodine, selenium
Boron, oxygen, germanium, silver, sulfur
Boron, carbon, sulfur, radon, chlorine
Aluminium, calcium, carbon, fluorine, phosphorous
Knowing your metals from your non-metals is also a helpful time-saver in exams
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - The periodic table

Author:  Kate Gardiner

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