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Algebra 01 (F)

Welcome to our GCSE Algebra quiz session! Today, we're diving into the world of mathematics with a twist of geographical exploration. Before we delve into equations and variables, let's take a moment to explore the vastness of the world's largest inland bodies of water.

In this short video, we'll journey across continents, discovering mesmerizing lakes and seas that not only captivate our senses but also provide a unique perspective on mathematical concepts. So, sit back, relax, and let's infuse our algebra revision with a dash of adventure and exploration!

This GCSE Maths quiz will test your knowledge of the basic rules of Algebra.

Algebra is all about using symbols, usually letters, to represent a number that we don’t yet know. We call these letters VARIABLES, as their value can change, or vary, depending on the situation. A situation can be written down as an EXPRESSION – this can be thought of as a mathematical sentence. There are a few rules you need to know so that these expressions can be as neat and tidy as possible.

Imagine you had a number of squares and quarter-circles, and you can combine these to make different shapes. We can use the letter S to indicate a square, and Q for a quarter-circle.

Using 3 squares and 2 quarter-circles it is possible to make a number of different shapes, but each one will have the same area. We can write this as the expression 3S + 2Q.

Now imagine someone else comes along and gives you 2 squares and 4 quarter-circles. How many squares, and how many quarter-circles do you now have? It should be obvious that you have 5S + 6Q. You can’t add a square to a circle, and one of our rules of Algebra is that we can’t add terms that have different letters. The rules for multiplying and dividing are a bit different, so make sure you know the difference.

Having good Algebra skills opens up a whole world of opportunities, from Finance to Space Travel and everything in between!

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You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Basic algebra

Author:  Sally Thompson

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