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Cells 01
Which part of a plant cell absorbs energy from the Sun?

Cells 01

Quiz to Help Understand how Cells Work

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This KS3 Science quiz asks questions about cells. Cells are part of every living thing. The simplest organisms like bacteria and amoeba have bodies that are a single cell. More complex animals like humans have trillions of cells. The larger the organism, the more cells it has. There are many different types of cell. A few of the different cells in your body are nerve cells, muscle cells, epithelial cells (they form your skin) and cells that produce different substances, for example the mucus inside your nose or the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Plants have cells that contain chlorophyll (for photosynthesis), cells that are coloured to form the flower and cells that can open and close to let gases from the air get into their leaves.

Cells are too small to be seen properly using the naked eye, the largest ones are only one tenth of a millimetre in size. They can only really be seen clearly using a microscope. Bacteria are single-celled organisms and were only discovered in the 1660s. It took 200 years for humans to realise that bacteria were the cause of many diseases. These days, we have electron microscopes that can magnify cells millions of times, so we can see a lot more detail of what lies inside any cell.

Which of the following is NOT present in an animal cell?
Cell membrane
Cell wall
A cell wall is made from cellulose
Which part of the cell passes on information to new cells?
Cell wall
The nucleus contains DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid)
Which part of a plant cell absorbs energy from the Sun?
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll
Which gas in the air is absorbed by plants?
Carbon dioxide
Sulfur dioxide
This gas enters plants through tiny pores on the underside of their leaves. The pores are created by a pair of guard cells
What is the function (job) of red blood cells?
To transport glucose
To transport minerals
To transport oxygen
To transport water
All cells require oxygen to release energy
What is a feature of a ciliated cell?
Contains haemoglobin
Has a tail
Has branches at the end
Has hairs
The cells lining your windpipe have special cilia that move backwards and forwards to sweep dirt and mucus from the lungs
Which of the following does NOT contain a nucleus?
Neuron cells
Red blood cells
Root hair cells
Sperm cells
They are red because they contain a protein called haemoglobin which carries oxygen round the body
Which of the following is involved in reproduction?
Neuron cells
Red blood cells
Root hair cells
Sperm cells
These have a 'tail' that allows them to swim towards an ovum (egg)
Which of the following receives, carries and passes on electrical impulses?
Muscle cells
Neuron cells
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Research has discovered that we have almost as many neuron cells in our brain as there are stars in our galaxy!
Which of the following cells are involved in nutrition?
Neuron cells
Red blood cells
Root hair cells
Sperm cells
These absorb water containing the nutrients a plant needs from the soil
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Animal and Plant Cells

Author:  Sue Davison

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