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Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 4)
Was the king the sisters' father? Find out in this Spanish reading comprehension quiz.

Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 4)

This Spanish Difficult Review quiz is the fourth quiz in a series of five that will challenge you on your reading comprehension ability. In Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 of this series you were given a couple of short paragraphs in Spanish followed by ten quiz questions and answers given in English. In Quiz 3 you were given a couple of short paragraphs in Spanish followed by ten quiz questions that were also in Spanish leaving only the answers in English. This Quiz 4 will run exactly the same way as Quiz 3. If you have not taken the first three quizzes in this reading comprehension series, please take a moment to do those quizzes at this time. The introductions provided in those quizzes, as well as the quiz sections themselves, will help to familiarize you with the series and provide you with needed practice in learning to think and comprehend in Spanish.

As you approach the end of the Spanish Difficult Review quizzes you will notice that there is a great deal of emphasis placed upon being able to think in Spanish. In order to become fluent in a new language you must be able to think and even visualize in that language. So think that you even need to be able to dream in the new language. Either way, it does take a lot of practice to get there. However, if you approach every quiz with the thought of training your brain to think, you will soon be amazed at how automatic that thinking will become! Until that time, however, it is still time to practice so take a look at the following short paragraphs and then answer the ten quiz questions that follow.

“Allí una vez fue un castillo. En el castillo allí vivió ocho hermanas. Las hermanas fueron princesas. Todas durmieron en una recámara en ocho camas pequeñas. Aunque fueron princesas, fueron muy pobres. El padre de las hermanas, el rey, perdió todo su dinero. Las hermanas poseyeron cuatro zapatos. Cada hermana llevaron uno zapato. El pueblo llamó a las chicas las hermanas que saltan porque tuvieron saltar en el uno pie que tuvo un zapato.

Las hermanas no les importaba ser pobres. Ellas fueron felices y amaron ayudar gentes. Porque de esto, el pueblo las amó. Un día vino un guapo príncipe. Se rió cuando vio las princesas que saltan. Él vio que cada hermana era hermosa. Este príncipe fue rico y tuvo siete hermanos. Él llamó a sus hermanos para venir a ver a las princesas. En la primavera, todas las princesas se casaron con un príncipe y se trasladaron a un nuevo castillo.”

¿Quién vivió en el castillo?
seven brothers
eight sisters
poor people
many children
The question asks: Who lived in the castle? The paragraphs tell us that: En el castillo allí vivió ocho hermanas. This reads as: In the castle there lived eight sisters. Eight sisters lived in the castle.
¿Qué fueron las hermanas?
The question reads: What were the sisters? The paragraphs tell us that: Las hermanas fueron princesas. This reads as: The sisters were princesses.
¿Dónde duermen?
on one bed
in a dormitory
in separate bedrooms
in one bedroom
The question asks: Where did they sleep? The paragraphs tell us that: Todas durmieron en una recámara… This reads as: They all slept in one bedroom…
¿Quién fue el padre de las hermanas?
the reverend
the king
the beggar
the butler
The question asks: Who was the father of the sisters? The paragraphs tell us that: El padre de las hermanas, el rey… This reads as: The sisters’ father, the king… Therefore, the father of the sisters was the king.
¿Qué hizo el rey?
lost all of his money
married a wicked woman
died penniless
abandoned his daughters
The question asks: What did the king do? The paragraphs tell us that: El padre de las hermanas, el rey, perdió todo su dinero. This reads as: The sister’s father, the king, lost all of his money. The king lost all of his money.
¿Cuántos zapatos poseyeron las hermanas?
The question asks: How many shoes did the sisters own? The paragraphs tell us that: Las hermanas poseyeron cuatro zapatos. This reads as: The sisters owned four shoes.
¿Qué hizo el pueblo llaman las hermanas?
lonely ladies
mysterious girls
poor princesses
hopping sisters
The question asks: What did the village call the sisters? The paragraphs tell us that: El pueblo llamó a las chicas las hermanas que saltan… This reads as: The village called the girls the hopping sisters… They were called the hopping sisters.
¿Qué hicieron las hermanas aman hacer?
loved to play games
loved to help people
loved to sleep in
loved to sing songs
The question asks: What did the sister love to do? The paragraphs tell us that: Ellas fueron felices y amaron ayudar gentes. This reads as: They were happy and they loved to help people. The sisters loved to help people.
¿Quién vino un día?
a handsome prince
a fairy godmother
a priest
a beautiful queen
The question asks: Who came one day? The paragraphs tell us that: Un día vino un guapo príncipe. This reads as: One day a handsome prince came. A handsome prince came.
¿Qué hicieron las hermanas hacen en la primavera?
left the castle to live in the village
got their own rooms
bought lots of new shoes
married and moved
The question asks: What did the sisters do in the spring? The paragraphs tell us that: En la primavera, todas las princesas se casaron con un príncipe y se trasladaron a un nuevo castillo. This reads as: In the spring, all of the princesses married a prince and moved to a new castle. The sisters married and moved.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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