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Spelling: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Spelling in Elementary School - Grades 1 and 2

Did you hear about the little boy who wrote that he loved Christmas and he particularly loved Satan? Or what about the little girl who complained about her father’s Executive Bored Room? Or the other little girl who proclaimed that ‘cars parked illegally in front of the school would be fine’?

All too often spelling is intimidating to young children because, let’s face it, the rules just don’t make sense.

Why on earth should the work ‘know’ be spelled with a ‘k’ at the beginning and a ‘w’ at the end?

Although there are only 26 letters it sometimes seems there are thousands when you are only seven years old. It’s bad enough trying to remember them let alone put them in the right order!

No doubt you remember your teachers saying that you must read, read and read some more in order to come to grips with spelling. That is just as true today as it was then but now you have an added tool – spelling quizzes…

The quizzes below provide an introduction to some common ways that letters are used to compose words. Each question comes complete with a colorful picture so that the looks of a word on the page gradually becomes associated with the object it represents.

There are only a few quizzes in this section because we don’t want the subject to look too overpowering but once these have been completed a few times you can move on to the quizzes in the Elementary School, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade where you will find over 100!

Quiz Title Options
Ending with y Ending with y Play
Magic e with a Magic e with a Play
Magic e with e Magic e with e Play
Magic e with i Magic e with i Play
Magic e with o Magic e with o Play
Magic e with u Magic e with u Play
Plurals that end in es Plurals that end in es Play
Plurals that end in s Plurals that end in s Play
Prefix un Prefix un Play
The End Sound ck The End Sound ck Play
The End Sound ff The End Sound ff Play
The End Sound ll The End Sound ll Play
The End Sound ss The End Sound ss Play
The End Sound zz The End Sound zz Play
The Sound ay The Sound ay Play
The Sound ch The Sound ch Play
The Sound oo (book) The Sound oo (book) Play
The Sound oo (too) The Sound oo (too) Play

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