
English Quiz - Spelling: Phonemes (Questions)

A phoneme is a distinguishing speech sound. The English language has 44 phonemes. For example, 'dog' has three phonemes: 'd', 'o' and 'g'. Here are three more phonemes: 'ch', 'sh' and 'oo'.

If you are starting to really enjoy the English language, you will find phonemes ~ and graphemes ~ a source of fascination. For instance, did you know that there are approximately 24 phonemes that are consonants and a whopping 20 phonemes that are vowels. With only 5 vowels in the English alphabet, that's quite something! If you fancy becoming a linguistic (studying languages) when you leave school, phonemes will come in very useful.

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1. In which one of the following words is the 'c' sound heard in 'cat' repeated?
[ ] Celsius
[ ] Ceiling
[ ] Cesspit
[ ] Crank
2. In which one of the following words is the 't' sound heard in 'time' repeated?
[ ] Thrash
[ ] Train
[ ] Thistle
[ ] Whistle
3. In which one of the following words is the 'ea' sound heard in 'bear' repeated?
[ ] Bare
[ ] Bar
[ ] Bat
[ ] Bacon
4. In which one of the following words is the 's' sound heard in 'leisure' repeated?
[ ] Steal
[ ] Measure
[ ] Cross
[ ] Wastage
5. In which one of the following words is the 'y' sound heard in 'sky' repeated?
[ ] Yellow
[ ] Yell
[ ] I
[ ] Very
6. In which one of the following words is the 'ch' sound heard in 'chop' repeated?
[ ] Ache
[ ] Cheese
[ ] Acne
[ ] Echidna
7. In which one of the following words is the 'o' sound heard in 'go' repeated?
[ ] Owl
[ ] Bolt
[ ] Row
[ ] Oyster
8. In which one of the following words is the 'ee' sound heard in 'beer' repeated?
[ ] Tire
[ ] Pier
[ ] Wear
[ ] Their
9. In which one of the following words is the 'ea' sound heard in 'meat' repeated?
[ ] Their
[ ] Whale
[ ] Heat
[ ] Sale
10. In which one of the following words is the 'f' sound heard in 'fur' repeated?
[ ] Through
[ ] Although
[ ] Tough
[ ] Ought
English Quiz - Spelling: Phonemes (Answers)
1. In which one of the following words is the 'c' sound heard in 'cat' repeated?
[ ] Celsius
[ ] Ceiling
[ ] Cesspit
[x] Crank
'Crank' repeats the 'k' sound of the phoneme 'c'
2. In which one of the following words is the 't' sound heard in 'time' repeated?
[ ] Thrash
[x] Train
[ ] Thistle
[ ] Whistle
'Train' repeats the 't' sound of the phoneme 't'. 'Whistle' and 'thistle' take a silent 't': the 't' is not pronounced
3. In which one of the following words is the 'ea' sound heard in 'bear' repeated?
[x] Bare
[ ] Bar
[ ] Bat
[ ] Bacon
'Bare' repeats the sound of the phoneme 'ea'
4. In which one of the following words is the 's' sound heard in 'leisure' repeated?
[ ] Steal
[x] Measure
[ ] Cross
[ ] Wastage
'Measure' repeats the 'z' sound of the phoneme 's'
5. In which one of the following words is the 'y' sound heard in 'sky' repeated?
[ ] Yellow
[ ] Yell
[x] I
[ ] Very
'I' repeats the sound of the phoneme 'y'
6. In which one of the following words is the 'ch' sound heard in 'chop' repeated?
[ ] Ache
[x] Cheese
[ ] Acne
[ ] Echidna
'Chop' repeats the 'ch' sound of the phoneme 'ch'
7. In which one of the following words is the 'o' sound heard in 'go' repeated?
[ ] Owl
[ ] Bolt
[x] Row
[ ] Oyster
'Row' repeats the 'o' sound of the phoneme 'o'
8. In which one of the following words is the 'ee' sound heard in 'beer' repeated?
[ ] Tire
[x] Pier
[ ] Wear
[ ] Their
'Pier' repeats the 'ee' sound of the phoneme 'ee'
9. In which one of the following words is the 'ea' sound heard in 'meat' repeated?
[ ] Their
[ ] Whale
[x] Heat
[ ] Sale
'Heat' repeats the 'ea' sound of the phoneme 'ea'
10. In which one of the following words is the 'f' sound heard in 'fur' repeated?
[ ] Through
[ ] Although
[x] Tough
[ ] Ought
'Tough' repeats the 'f' sound of the phoneme 'f'