
Verbal Reasoning Quiz - Closest Meaning 4 (Questions)

Closest meaning words are equivalent words.

Find TWO words, from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning. Words which have SIMILAR meanings are called SYNONYMS, words like small and tiny, and big and large. However, not all words which are CLOSE in meaning are the CLOSEST.

Think about these three words: tall, big and large. Which two are CLOSEST in meaning? Big and large are closer than tall and big or tall and large. Tall means big only in terms of how high something is.

Read the questions carefully and look at all four choices before choosing your answer. Enjoy our last 11-plus verbal reasoning quiz on closest meaning.

Example: big, small, rest, mean, large

big, large

big, mean

rest, large

small, large

Answer: big, large

big, large is the correct answer because big and large mean the same thing, of considerable size, and the others are unrelated.
1. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

happy, sad, glad, angry, lonely
[ ] happy, glad
[ ] sad, angry
[ ] happy, lonely
[ ] angry, lonely
2. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

find, reveal, explore, discover, hide
[ ] discover, hide
[ ] find, discover
[ ] explore, discover
[ ] show, hide
3. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

highest, largest, smallest, lowest, tallest
[ ] highest, tallest
[ ] lowest, tallest
[ ] smallest, lowest
[ ] smallest, tallest
4. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

fight, argue, wrestle, shout, tangle
[ ] shout, tangle
[ ] argue, wrestle
[ ] argue, shout
[ ] fight, wrestle
5. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

stumble, limp, trip, tumble, jump
[ ] trip, stumble
[ ] stumble, limp
[ ] tumble, jump
[ ] limp, tumble
6. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

apple, citrus, fruit, grape, seed
[ ] citrus, fruit
[ ] apple, grape
[ ] fruit, grape
[ ] citrus, seed
7. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

seconds, time, year, sundial, clock
[ ] seconds, time
[ ] year, sundial
[ ] sundial, clock
[ ] time, clock
8. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

mug, saucer, cup, glass, teaspoon
[ ] mug, cup
[ ] cup, glass
[ ] glass, teaspoon
[ ] saucer, glass
9. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

bowler, fielder, referee, umpire, batsman
[ ] referee, umpire
[ ] fielder, referee
[ ] umpire, batsman
[ ] fielder, batsman
10. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

free, discounted, cheap, cheaper, expensive
[ ] discounted, cheap
[ ] free, discounted
[ ] cheaper, expensive
[ ] discounted, cheaper
Verbal Reasoning Quiz - Closest Meaning 4 (Answers)
1. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

happy, sad, glad, angry, lonely
[x] happy, glad
[ ] sad, angry
[ ] happy, lonely
[ ] angry, lonely
happy, glad is the correct answer because happy and glad are both words that refer to a positive emotion. The other words describe negative emotions. We hope you are feeling positive about this quiz!
2. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

find, reveal, explore, discover, hide
[ ] discover, hide
[x] find, discover
[ ] explore, discover
[ ] show, hide
find, discover is the correct answer because find and discover are both words that mean to come across something which has been lost or hidden and the others are not. Explore doesn't necessarily mean find, and reveal means showing something which is already there
3. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

highest, largest, smallest, lowest, tallest
[x] highest, tallest
[ ] lowest, tallest
[ ] smallest, lowest
[ ] smallest, tallest
highest, tallest is the correct answer because highest and tallest are both words that mean of significant height and the others are not. Smallest and largest refer to size, while lowest is the opposite of highest
4. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

fight, argue, wrestle, shout, tangle
[ ] shout, tangle
[ ] argue, wrestle
[ ] argue, shout
[x] fight, wrestle
fight, wrestle is the correct answer because fight and wrestle are both words that mean to become involved in physical conflict and the others are not. Argue and shout are verbal processes and tangle is a general term used when people clash in some way
5. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

stumble, limp, trip, tumble, jump
[x] trip, stumble
[ ] stumble, limp
[ ] tumble, jump
[ ] limp, tumble
trip, stumble is the correct answer because trip and stumble are both words that mean to almost fall, or to start to fall accidentally and the others are not
6. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

apple, citrus, fruit, grape, seed
[ ] citrus, fruit
[x] apple, grape
[ ] fruit, grape
[ ] citrus, seed
apple, grape is the correct answer because apple and grape are both fruits and the others are not. All fruits have a seed, and some are citrus, but these are not the closest in meaning
7. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

seconds, time, year, sundial, clock
[ ] seconds, time
[ ] year, sundial
[x] sundial, clock
[ ] time, clock
sundial, clock is the correct answer because sundial and clock are both ways to tell time and the others are not. Year and seconds are measurements of time, and time is, well it's time!
8. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

mug, saucer, cup, glass, teaspoon
[x] mug, cup
[ ] cup, glass
[ ] glass, teaspoon
[ ] saucer, glass
mug, cup is the correct answer because mug and cup are both words that mean drinking vessels for hot liquids and the others are not. Glasses don't normally have handles, and saucers and teaspoons aren't for drinking, especially if you have good manners!
9. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

bowler, fielder, referee, umpire, batsman
[x] referee, umpire
[ ] fielder, referee
[ ] umpire, batsman
[ ] fielder, batsman
referee, umpire is the correct answer because referee and umpire are both words that mean sports official and the others are all sports players
10. Find TWO words from the following group of five words that are the CLOSEST in meaning.

free, discounted, cheap, cheaper, expensive
[ ] discounted, cheap
[ ] free, discounted
[ ] cheaper, expensive
[x] discounted, cheaper
discounted, cheaper is the correct answer because discounted and cheaper are both words that mean having some of the price taken off and the others are not. Something could be cheaper (like £1,000 reduced by £100) without being cheap