
Gardening Quiz - Bulbs - Bulbs 2 (Questions)

Bulbs are an illustration of how plant species develop special ways to survive and prosper. It may be that the region in which they live is beset by summer drought, devastating winds, hail or even forest fires - the underground bulb will be oblivious to all of these and be ready to shoot into life as soon as conditions are favourable.

This is the second of our picture quizzes on bulbs and it should be that you find things to interest you whatever level of gardening you aspire to.

1. This Narcissus variety shares its name with which popular bedding plant?
[ ] Begonia
[ ] Dianthus
[ ] Geranium
[ ] Nicotiana
2. What is the name of this plant that is often used as a cut flower?
[ ] Anchusa
[ ] Anemone
[ ] Angelica
[ ] Anthemis
3. To which unpronounceable genus does the Arum lily belong?
[ ] Brassolaeliocattleya
[ ] Citharexylum
[ ] Pseudotsuga
[ ] Zantedeschia
4. The best known colour in this genus of plant is white and it is often known as Star of Bethlehem. What is the name of the genus?
[ ] Olea
[ ] Opuntia
[ ] Ornithogalum
[ ] Osmanthus
5. Iris is the Greek word meaning what?
[ ] Beautiful
[ ] Large
[ ] Rainbow
[ ] Scented
6. In the genus Puschkinia, how many species are known?
[ ] 2
[ ] 20
[ ] About 200
[ ] Over 2,000
7. 'Tulip mania' occurred in the early 1600s and in Holland single bulbs were sold for as much as a skilled craftsman could earn in how long?
[ ] A week
[ ] A month
[ ] A year
[ ] 10 years
8. When should the foliage of Scillas be cut from the plant?
[ ] Before they flower
[ ] At the time of flowering
[ ] Soon after flowering
[ ] Never
9. Which of the following fruits is closely related to Cannas?
[ ] Apple
[ ] Banana
[ ] Orange
[ ] Pomegranate
10. Muscari is often known as what?
[ ] Berry Hyacinth
[ ] Currant Hyacinth
[ ] Grape Hyacinth
[ ] Raisin Hyacinth


Gardening Quiz - Bulbs - Bulbs 2 (Answers)
1. This Narcissus variety shares its name with which popular bedding plant?
[ ] Begonia
[ ] Dianthus
[x] Geranium
[ ] Nicotiana
Called Geranium Narcissus by some people and Narcissus Geranium by others
2. What is the name of this plant that is often used as a cut flower?
[ ] Anchusa
[x] Anemone
[ ] Angelica
[ ] Anthemis
3. To which unpronounceable genus does the Arum lily belong?
[ ] Brassolaeliocattleya
[ ] Citharexylum
[ ] Pseudotsuga
[x] Zantedeschia
4. The best known colour in this genus of plant is white and it is often known as Star of Bethlehem. What is the name of the genus?
[ ] Olea
[ ] Opuntia
[x] Ornithogalum
[ ] Osmanthus
5. Iris is the Greek word meaning what?
[ ] Beautiful
[ ] Large
[x] Rainbow
[ ] Scented
There are many different varieties of Iris and between them they can represent virtually the entire colour spectrum
6. In the genus Puschkinia, how many species are known?
[x] 2
[ ] 20
[ ] About 200
[ ] Over 2,000
7. 'Tulip mania' occurred in the early 1600s and in Holland single bulbs were sold for as much as a skilled craftsman could earn in how long?
[ ] A week
[ ] A month
[ ] A year
[x] 10 years
Tulip mania is widely regarded as the first economic 'bubble'
8. When should the foliage of Scillas be cut from the plant?
[ ] Before they flower
[ ] At the time of flowering
[ ] Soon after flowering
[x] Never
As with all bulbous plants it is better to let the foliage die down naturally. All the time that the leaves are green they are producing food to add to the plant's resources ready for the next year
9. Which of the following fruits is closely related to Cannas?
[ ] Apple
[x] Banana
[ ] Orange
[ ] Pomegranate
Both Cannas and bananas belong to the order known as Zingiberales
10. Muscari is often known as what?
[ ] Berry Hyacinth
[ ] Currant Hyacinth
[x] Grape Hyacinth
[ ] Raisin Hyacinth