
Upper Primary School English Quiz - Spelling 05 - Words ending with SION (Questions)

A vocabulary is a list or collection of the words or phrases in a language and the English vocabulary is full of remarkable words that give it lustre. Though a large number of words are what are known as root words or base words, there are many other words that are formed by adding prefixes or suffixes.

English pronunciation can be a little tricky with lots of words being pronounced differently from their spellings. Many examples come to mind such as the word MIGHT (where GH is silent). However, pronunciation has contributed to the development of new words with the sound of SHUN and with spellings ending with TION or SION or SSION.

You have heard of words such as COLLISION, TELEVISION, CONFESSION or SUBMISSION. These words are formed from the base words COLLIDE, TELEVISE, CONFESS and SUBMIT. In each case you see that the words end with SION or SSION. All these endings have the SHUN sound.

[readmore]There are some rules that help us to form these words:

For a word ending in DE (such as COLLIDE) remove the DE and add SION (COLLISION).

For words that end in E (such as TELEVISE) remove the E and add ION (TELEVISION).

For words ending in SS (such as CONFESS) just add ION (CONFESSION).

For words ending in T (such as SUBMIT) remove the T and add SSION (SUBMISSION).

The words that have the ‘SHUN’ sound have contributed immensely to the number of words in the English language. By taking the quiz that follows you will enrich your vocabulary with some new words ending in SION.
1. 'Robin Utthappa's --- from the Indian cricket team was soundly criticised by the scribes.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Omission
[ ] Omitsion
[ ] Omision
[ ] Omittsion
2. 'The cyclone in Orissa caused a deep --- in South India.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Deprission
[ ] Depsion
[ ] Depresion
[ ] Depression
3. 'The --- from his car was way above the norms.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Emittsion
[ ] Emission
[ ] Emitsion
[ ] Emision
4. 'The government held a --- with the striking employees.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Discsion
[ ] Discusion
[ ] Discussion
[ ] Dission
5. 'I showed my --- to the teacher and she approved my revised version.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Revisession
[ ] Revission
[ ] Revisesion
[ ] Revision
6. 'He was named by the Supreme Court and the --- of his popularity was complete.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Erosion
[ ] Erodsion
[ ] Erossion
[ ] Erodesion
7. 'Your arrogant --- of what is purported to be the truth is laughable.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Pretenssion
[ ] Pretendsion
[ ] Pretension
[ ] Pretendssion
8. Choose the correct sentence.
[ ] The transmision was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[ ] The transmission was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[ ] The transmitsion was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[ ] The transmitssion was so bad that I could not hear anything.
9. Choose the correct sentence.
[ ] The coach's supervisicsion of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[ ] The coach's supervisision of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[ ] The coach's supervission of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[ ] The coach's supervision of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
10. Choose the correct sentence.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concession.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concedsion.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concedision.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concesion.
Upper Primary School English Quiz - Spelling 05 - Words ending with SION (Answers)
1. 'Robin Utthappa's --- from the Indian cricket team was soundly criticised by the scribes.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[x] Omission
[ ] Omitsion
[ ] Omision
[ ] Omittsion
'Omission' is formed from the base word 'omit' by adding 'ssion' at the end. Usually, base words ending in T are converted by adding 'ssion' after removing the T
2. 'The cyclone in Orissa caused a deep --- in South India.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Deprission
[ ] Depsion
[ ] Depresion
[x] Depression
'Depression' is formed from the base word 'depress' by adding 'ion' at the end. Usually, base words ending in SS are converted by simply adding 'ion'
3. 'The --- from his car was way above the norms.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Emittsion
[x] Emission
[ ] Emitsion
[ ] Emision
'Emission' is formed from the base word 'emit' by adding 'ssion' at the end. Usually, base words ending in T are converted by adding 'ssion' after removing the T
4. 'The government held a --- with the striking employees.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Discsion
[ ] Discusion
[x] Discussion
[ ] Dission
'Discussion' is formed from the base word 'discuss' by adding 'ion' at the end. Usually, base words ending in SS are converted by adding 'ion'
5. 'I showed my --- to the teacher and she approved my revised version.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Revisession
[ ] Revission
[ ] Revisesion
[x] Revision
'Revision' is formed from the base word 'revise' by adding 'ion' at the end after removing the E. Usually, base words ending in E are converted by removing the E and adding 'ion'
6. 'He was named by the Supreme Court and the --- of his popularity was complete.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[x] Erosion
[ ] Erodsion
[ ] Erossion
[ ] Erodesion
'Erosion' is formed from the base word 'erode' by adding 'sion' at the end after removing the DE. Usually, base words ending in DE are converted by removing DE and adding 'sion'
7. 'Your arrogant --- of what is purported to be the truth is laughable.' - Fill up the blank by choosing the appropriate word.
[ ] Pretenssion
[ ] Pretendsion
[x] Pretension
[ ] Pretendssion
'Pretension' is formed from the base word 'pretend' by removing the D and adding 'sion'
8. Choose the correct sentence.
[ ] The transmision was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[x] The transmission was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[ ] The transmitsion was so bad that I could not hear anything.
[ ] The transmitssion was so bad that I could not hear anything.
'Transmission' is formed from the base word 'transmit' by removing the T and adding 'ssion'
9. Choose the correct sentence.
[ ] The coach's supervisicsion of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[ ] The coach's supervisision of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[ ] The coach's supervission of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
[x] The coach's supervision of the Indian hockey team was well appreciated.
'Supervision' is formed from the base word 'supervise' by removing the E and adding 'ion'
10. Choose the correct sentence.
[x] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concession.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concedsion.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concedision.
[ ] The organisation offered a longer weekend as a concesion.
'Concession' is formed from 'concede' by removing the DE and adding 'ssion'