
Science Quiz - Plants - Flowering Plants (Questions)

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with the structure of flowering plants.

Many plants have bright, colourful flowers. Plants aren’t just the flowers - they have other parts, too. In school you have learnt the parts, or structure, of a plant. What do the parts do? Plants don’t shout and run about like animals, but they are very interesting. How much do you know about the structure of plants?

1. The parts of the plant in the picture are green. What are they called?
[ ] Roots
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Flowers
[ ] Stems
2. The leaves grow from which part of the plant?
[ ] Roots
[ ] Stem
[ ] Petals
[ ] Fruit
3. What do we call the colourful parts of this plant?
[ ] Roots
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Flowers
[ ] Stems
4. This is the flower of a daisy. It is yellow in the middle. What do we call the white parts of this flower?
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Roots
[ ] Stems
[ ] Petals
5. What part of the plant is in the soil?
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Stems
[ ] Roots
[ ] Flowers
6. Why do plants have flowers?
[ ] They look nice
[ ] They catch the rain
[ ] They brighten up the garden
[ ] They make seeds to make more plants
7. Plants make seeds in their flowers. This is a picture of the seeds of a plant. Which plant is it?
[ ] Dandelion
[ ] Daisy
[ ] Wallflower
[ ] Pansy
8. Some plants hide their seeds. The hawthorn hides its seeds in these bright red _______.
[ ] Sweets
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Petals
[ ] Berries
9. Some plants hide their seeds inside fruit. What is this fruit called?
[ ] Pear
[ ] Apple
[ ] Orange
[ ] Grape
10. Some plants hide their seeds in nuts. The horse chestnut hides its seeds in a nut. What do we call this nut?
[ ] Brazil
[ ] Peanut
[ ] Walnut
[ ] Conker

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - The parts of a plant

Science Quiz - Plants - Flowering Plants (Answers)
1. The parts of the plant in the picture are green. What are they called?
[ ] Roots
[x] Leaves
[ ] Flowers
[ ] Stems
Leaves come in all sorts of shapes and sizes
2. The leaves grow from which part of the plant?
[ ] Roots
[x] Stem
[ ] Petals
[ ] Fruit
There are long stems and short stems. The stem is the middle part of the plant
3. What do we call the colourful parts of this plant?
[ ] Roots
[ ] Leaves
[x] Flowers
[ ] Stems
Not all plants have colourful flowers. Grasses have tiny green flowers
4. This is the flower of a daisy. It is yellow in the middle. What do we call the white parts of this flower?
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Roots
[ ] Stems
[x] Petals
Petals come in different shapes and colours
5. What part of the plant is in the soil?
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Stems
[x] Roots
[ ] Flowers
The roots hold the plant in the soil
6. Why do plants have flowers?
[ ] They look nice
[ ] They catch the rain
[ ] They brighten up the garden
[x] They make seeds to make more plants
Flowers do look nice. But plants need to make seeds to make more plants
7. Plants make seeds in their flowers. This is a picture of the seeds of a plant. Which plant is it?
[x] Dandelion
[ ] Daisy
[ ] Wallflower
[ ] Pansy
Can you see the tiny brown seeds at the end of every white parachute?
8. Some plants hide their seeds. The hawthorn hides its seeds in these bright red _______.
[ ] Sweets
[ ] Leaves
[ ] Petals
[x] Berries
In autumn there are lots of hawthorn berries in the hedgerows
9. Some plants hide their seeds inside fruit. What is this fruit called?
[ ] Pear
[x] Apple
[ ] Orange
[ ] Grape
The seeds are in the pips in the middle of the apple
10. Some plants hide their seeds in nuts. The horse chestnut hides its seeds in a nut. What do we call this nut?
[ ] Brazil
[ ] Peanut
[ ] Walnut
[x] Conker
Have you ever played conkers?