
Science Quiz - Seasons And Weather - Types Of Weather (Questions)

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with the seasons and different types of weather.

The weather is different from one season to another. It also changes very quickly from one type to another - wind and rain one day, sunshine and showers the next day. In science at school you have studied the weather. This quiz is all about different types of weather we get in the different seasons - from snow and ice in winter to hot, sunny summer days. See just how well you can do.

1. Rain falls from the sky. But where does rain really come from?
[ ] The Sun
[ ] The Moon
[ ] The stars
[ ] The clouds
2. When it is very cold, rain falls as ____.
[ ] Mist
[ ] Snow
[ ] Grass
[ ] Petals
3. Sometimes rain falls as round balls of ice. These are called __________.
[ ] Icicles
[ ] Snow flakes
[ ] Hailstones
[ ] Ice cubes
4. Sometimes the snow is very soft and slushy. It is called _____.
[ ] Hail
[ ] Mist
[ ] Fog
[ ] Sleet
5. Breeze, gale and storm are all types of ____.
[ ] Cloud
[ ] Wind
[ ] Rain
[ ] Snow
6. What will you hear next?
[ ] Music
[ ] Drums
[ ] Thunder
[ ] Sirens
7. Mr Smith is walking home from the railway station. He can hardly see where he is going. This is because there is a thick ___.
[ ] Rain
[ ] Breeze
[ ] Sleet
[ ] Fog
8. This is not thick enough to be a fog. It is a ____.
[ ] Shower
[ ] Mist
[ ] Breeze
[ ] Cloud
9. It does not rain all the time. What do we call rain that does not last very long?
[ ] A mist
[ ] A fog
[ ] A rainbow
[ ] A shower
10. What do we call light rain?
[ ] Hail
[ ] Mist
[ ] Drizzle
[ ] Sleet
Science Quiz - Seasons And Weather - Types Of Weather (Answers)
1. Rain falls from the sky. But where does rain really come from?
[ ] The Sun
[ ] The Moon
[ ] The stars
[x] The clouds
Dark clouds bring rain
2. When it is very cold, rain falls as ____.
[ ] Mist
[x] Snow
[ ] Grass
[ ] Petals
Can you remember when it snowed?
3. Sometimes rain falls as round balls of ice. These are called __________.
[ ] Icicles
[ ] Snow flakes
[x] Hailstones
[ ] Ice cubes
Hailstones can be really big
4. Sometimes the snow is very soft and slushy. It is called _____.
[ ] Hail
[ ] Mist
[ ] Fog
[x] Sleet
Sleet is wet and cold
5. Breeze, gale and storm are all types of ____.
[ ] Cloud
[x] Wind
[ ] Rain
[ ] Snow
How windy is it today?
6. What will you hear next?
[ ] Music
[ ] Drums
[x] Thunder
[ ] Sirens
What does thunder sound like?
7. Mr Smith is walking home from the railway station. He can hardly see where he is going. This is because there is a thick ___.
[ ] Rain
[ ] Breeze
[ ] Sleet
[x] Fog
Have you ever been in a thick fog? What was it like?
8. This is not thick enough to be a fog. It is a ____.
[ ] Shower
[x] Mist
[ ] Breeze
[ ] Cloud
You can see mists in the countryside
9. It does not rain all the time. What do we call rain that does not last very long?
[ ] A mist
[ ] A fog
[ ] A rainbow
[x] A shower
There are often showers in April
10. What do we call light rain?
[ ] Hail
[ ] Mist
[x] Drizzle
[ ] Sleet
Cheer up! The sun often shines!