
English Quiz - Prepositions (Questions)

Let's explore prepositions in this KS2 English quiz! Prepositions are special words that link other words together. They're super important because they help words make sense. Prepositions come before nouns (or pronouns) to show how they relate to other words. In the sentence 'I gave the medal to the best runner', 'to' is the preposition explaining the link between 'the runner' and 'the medal'. Prepositions also talk about time (like 'after' and 'before') and place (like 'behind' and 'below').

These little words might be sneaky, but they do a big job in making sentences work. Test your preposition skills with this cool quiz!

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1. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
She found the rusty old key beneath a flowerpot.
[ ] found
[ ] rusty
[ ] beneath
[ ] flowerpot
2. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
The sun shone brightly on the mountaintop.
[ ] sun
[ ] shone
[ ] brightly
[ ] on
3. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
The kitten, who had been hiding under the duvet, pounced suddenly.
[ ] had
[ ] been
[ ] under
[ ] suddenly
4. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
Mrs. Jones poured hot coffee into her mug.
[ ] poured
[ ] into
[ ] her
[ ] mug
5. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
The man was standing near the edge of the stage.
[ ] man, standing
[ ] near, edge
[ ] near, of
[ ] edge, stage
6. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
On Mondays, I usually go to the library.
[ ] On, usually
[ ] On, to
[ ] I, go
[ ] to, library
7. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
At midnight, the bell in the ancient tower began to toll.
[ ] At, in
[ ] bell, in
[ ] the, tower
[ ] tower, to
8. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
After calm reflection, I made a promise to myself not to lose my temper again.
[ ] After, not
[ ] After, to
[ ] made, lose
[ ] lose, temper
9. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
The train went through the tunnel and then over the bridge.
[ ] The, tunnel
[ ] through, then
[ ] through, over
[ ] then, over
10. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
In the last minute of the match, he kicked the ball between the posts.
[ ] In, of, between
[ ] last, of, ball
[ ] minute, between, posts
[ ] kicked, the, the

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is a preposition?

English Quiz - Prepositions (Answers)
1. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
She found the rusty old key beneath a flowerpot.
[ ] found
[ ] rusty
[x] beneath
[ ] flowerpot
'Beneath a flowerpot' describes the key's location.
2. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
The sun shone brightly on the mountaintop.
[ ] sun
[ ] shone
[ ] brightly
[x] on
'On the mountaintop' describes where the sun was shining.
3. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
The kitten, who had been hiding under the duvet, pounced suddenly.
[ ] had
[ ] been
[x] under
[ ] suddenly
'Under the duvet' describes the kitten's location.
4. Find the preposition in the following sentence.
Mrs. Jones poured hot coffee into her mug.
[ ] poured
[x] into
[ ] her
[ ] mug
'Into her mug' describes where the coffee is being poured.
5. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
The man was standing near the edge of the stage.
[ ] man, standing
[ ] near, edge
[x] near, of
[ ] edge, stage
'Near the edge' describes the man's location; 'of the stage' explains the relationship between 'stage' and 'edge'.
6. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
On Mondays, I usually go to the library.
[ ] On, usually
[x] On, to
[ ] I, go
[ ] to, library
'On Mondays' describes a time; 'to the library' describes a place.
7. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
At midnight, the bell in the ancient tower began to toll.
[x] At, in
[ ] bell, in
[ ] the, tower
[ ] tower, to
'At midnight' describes a time; 'in the ancient tower' describes a place; 'to toll' is a verb, however, so 'to' is not a preposition in this case.
8. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
After calm reflection, I made a promise to myself not to lose my temper again.
[ ] After, not
[x] After, to
[ ] made, lose
[ ] lose, temper
'After calm reflection' describes a time; 'to myself' describes the relationship between 'a promise' and 'myself'.
9. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
The train went through the tunnel and then over the bridge.
[ ] The, tunnel
[ ] through, then
[x] through, over
[ ] then, over
'Through the tunnel' and 'over the bridge' both describe location.
10. Find the prepositions in the following sentence.
In the last minute of the match, he kicked the ball between the posts.
[x] In, of, between
[ ] last, of, ball
[ ] minute, between, posts
[ ] kicked, the, the
'In the last minute' describes the time; 'of the match' explains the relationship between 'minute' and 'match'; 'between the posts' describes a location.