
Maths Quiz - Solving Problems - Money (Year 5) (Questions)

Solving money problems is a cool part of KS2 Maths! In Year Five, you'll tackle tricky tasks like turning pounds into pence, adding different coins, and figuring out change. Get ready for bigger challenges involving percentages, fractions, and even currency exchange rates.

Imagine planning a holiday to Australia! You've got £s and need $s. The exchange rate is £1 = $2.5. Multiply £400 by 2.5 to get $1,000. Test your skills with questions about percentages, fractions, and currency exchange rates in this fun quiz!

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1. The exchange rate of £1 is 1.5 dollars. How many dollars would you get for £5?
[ ] $5
[ ] $7
[ ] $7.50
[ ] $8
2. Jo bought paint for £15.70, brushes for £5.47 and varnish for £3.25. How much did she spend altogether?
[ ] £23.50
[ ] £24.24
[ ] £24.42
[ ] £24.50
3. Jane spent £16.89. How much change would she have from £20?
[ ] £2.11
[ ] £3.11
[ ] £3.51
[ ] £4.11
4. Yasmin saved 35p for 15 weeks. How much did she save altogether?
[ ] £4.25
[ ] £4.75
[ ] £5.25
[ ] £5.75
5. Dad bought 8 apples for 72p. How much did one apple cost?
[ ] 7p
[ ] 8p
[ ] 9p
[ ] 10p
6. Peter bought two shirts. One cost £15.50 and the other cost £12.45. How much change would he have from a £50 note?
[ ] £21.95
[ ] £22
[ ] £22.05
[ ] £22.15
7. A cup of coffee cost £1.25. Mum bought five cups and paid with a £20 note. How much change did she have?
[ ] £12.75
[ ] £13.75
[ ] £14.25
[ ] £14.75
8. In a sale a dress which usually costs £32 is half price. How much does the dress cost in the sale?
[ ] £15
[ ] £15.50
[ ] £16
[ ] £16.50
9. A chair costs £240. The shop requires a 50% deposit. How much is the deposit?
[ ] £60
[ ] £90
[ ] £100
[ ] £120
10. A table normally costing £130 is reduced by 10%. How much is the table now?
[ ] £13
[ ] £113
[ ] £117
[ ] £127

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Solving money problems

Maths Quiz - Solving Problems - Money (Year 5) (Answers)
1. The exchange rate of £1 is 1.5 dollars. How many dollars would you get for £5?
[ ] $5
[ ] $7
[x] $7.50
[ ] $8
To calculate multiply 1.5 dollars by 5
2. Jo bought paint for £15.70, brushes for £5.47 and varnish for £3.25. How much did she spend altogether?
[ ] £23.50
[ ] £24.24
[x] £24.42
[ ] £24.50
You only need to add the last digits for this one. 0 + 7 + 5 = 12 so we know that the answer will end in 2 which means that £24.42 must be correct
3. Jane spent £16.89. How much change would she have from £20?
[ ] £2.11
[x] £3.11
[ ] £3.51
[ ] £4.11
£16.89 is 11p less than £17 and £17 is £3 less than £20
4. Yasmin saved 35p for 15 weeks. How much did she save altogether?
[ ] £4.25
[ ] £4.75
[x] £5.25
[ ] £5.75
To multiply 35p by 15 you could times it by 10 to get £3.50
Then half this to find 35p x 5 = £1.75
Then add £3.50 and £1.75 to get £5.25
5. Dad bought 8 apples for 72p. How much did one apple cost?
[ ] 7p
[ ] 8p
[x] 9p
[ ] 10p
To calculate divide 72p by 8
6. Peter bought two shirts. One cost £15.50 and the other cost £12.45. How much change would he have from a £50 note?
[ ] £21.95
[ ] £22
[x] £22.05
[ ] £22.15
First work out £15.50 + £12.45 = £27.95. Then work out £50 - £27.95 = £22.05
7. A cup of coffee cost £1.25. Mum bought five cups and paid with a £20 note. How much change did she have?
[ ] £12.75
[x] £13.75
[ ] £14.25
[ ] £14.75
5 x £1.25 = £6.25
£20 - £6.25 = £13.75
8. In a sale a dress which usually costs £32 is half price. How much does the dress cost in the sale?
[ ] £15
[ ] £15.50
[x] £16
[ ] £16.50
You might see signs saying 50% off. 50% off is the same as half price
9. A chair costs £240. The shop requires a 50% deposit. How much is the deposit?
[ ] £60
[ ] £90
[ ] £100
[x] £120
£120 is 50% or 12 of £240
10. A table normally costing £130 is reduced by 10%. How much is the table now?
[ ] £13
[ ] £113
[x] £117
[ ] £127
To find 10% divide by 10 which give 13 then subtract from 130