
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Occupations 2 (Surgeon, Journalist) (Questions)

In this Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz we will be checking out a number of occupations such as being a surgeon or a journalist. In fact, this quiz is a continuation of or the sister quiz of the quiz titled Occupations 1.

In the first occupation quiz you were shown pictures of ten different occupations. Here in quiz 2 you will once again be shown pictures of ten different occupations. Please pay close attention to the pictures to find the correct Spanish answers. The challenge being presented to you here in quiz 2 is to see if you can quickly locate the Spanish word for each occupation without being shown what the other Spanish answers mean. For example, you will not be shown that profesor means teacher. Rather, you are testing yourself on how well you remember the names of the shown occupations. Now, put your thinking cap on and see if there is a career that you would like to pursue found in this quiz.

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1. A ____ has to put pen to paper when an idea comes to mind.
[ ] escritor
[ ] ingeniero
[ ] granjero
[ ] bombero
2. You will want the best ____ if you need an operation.
[ ] soldado
[ ] criada
[ ] cirujana
[ ] bibliotecaria
3. This ____ will be taken back to the jail.
[ ] vecino
[ ] prisionero
[ ] superintendente
[ ] prisionera
4. I can see that the ____ keeps her properties looking nice.
[ ] dueño
[ ] enfermera
[ ] enfermero
[ ] dueña
5. It takes a good ____ to get the story right.
[ ] paciente
[ ] cronista
[ ] escritora
[ ] carpintera
6. An ____ digs among the ruins to learn about ancient history.
[ ] arqueólogo
[ ] atleta
[ ] artista
[ ] astrología
7. My ____ is very cheerful when she does my nails.
[ ] médica
[ ] dentista
[ ] esteticista
[ ] baterista
8. The ____ is the head of the ship.
[ ] vagabundo
[ ] capitán
[ ] malabarista
[ ] rey
9. You will find ____ very helpful in many offices.
[ ] autoras
[ ] obispos
[ ] cajeras
[ ] oficinistas
10. People will visit the ____ for a special occasion.
[ ] leñador
[ ] biología
[ ] florista
[ ] banquero
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Occupations 2 (Surgeon, Journalist) (Answers)
1. A ____ has to put pen to paper when an idea comes to mind.
[x] escritor
[ ] ingeniero
[ ] granjero
[ ] bombero
Looking at the picture you see a writer. A writer puts pen to paper and writer in Spanish is escritor.
2. You will want the best ____ if you need an operation.
[ ] soldado
[ ] criada
[x] cirujana
[ ] bibliotecaria
Looking at the picture you see a surgeon. Note that it is a female surgeon. The Spanish feminine word for surgeon is cirujana.
3. This ____ will be taken back to the jail.
[ ] vecino
[x] prisionero
[ ] superintendente
[ ] prisionera
Looking at the picture you see a prisoner. Note that it is a male prisoner. The masculine Spanish word for prisoner is prisionero. The last answer refers to a female prisoner.
4. I can see that the ____ keeps her properties looking nice.
[ ] dueño
[ ] enfermera
[ ] enfermero
[x] dueña
Looking at the words in the quiz sentence you see that 'her' is mentioned. This tells you that the occupation will need to be in its feminine form. The first and third answers show the masculine form so they can be eliminated. As property is being referred to, the owner of the property would be the landlady. The Spanish word for landlady is dueña.
5. It takes a good ____ to get the story right.
[ ] paciente
[x] cronista
[ ] escritora
[ ] carpintera
Looking at the picture you see a journalist. Note that it is a female journalist. The Spanish word journalist is cronista and it is used for both male and female journalists.
6. An ____ digs among the ruins to learn about ancient history.
[x] arqueólogo
[ ] atleta
[ ] artista
[ ] astrología
The person who is involved with digging among ruins and learning about ancient history is known as an archeologist. The Spanish word for archeologist is arqueólogo. Notice the accent mark over the first 'o'.
7. My ____ is very cheerful when she does my nails.
[ ] médica
[ ] dentista
[x] esteticista
[ ] baterista
Looking at the picture you see a beautician. The Spanish word for beautician is esteticista. This covers both males and females.
8. The ____ is the head of the ship.
[ ] vagabundo
[x] capitán
[ ] malabarista
[ ] rey
Looking at the picture you see a captain. The Spanish word for captain is capitán. Notice the accent mark above the second 'a'.
9. You will find ____ very helpful in many offices.
[ ] autoras
[ ] obispos
[ ] cajeras
[x] oficinistas
Looking at the picture you see a clerk. You will find clerks very helpful in many offices. The Spanish word for clerks is oficinistas. This covers both males and females.
10. People will visit the ____ for a special occasion.
[ ] leñador
[ ] biología
[x] florista
[ ] banquero
Looking at the picture you see a florist. People will visit a florist for a special occasion. The Spanish word for florist is florista. The same word is used for male and female florists.