
English Language: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - Grade 2 Language - Past Tense ('ed' to Verbs) (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Past Tense ('ed' to Verbs)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 1st or 2nd grade - aged 6 to 8.

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When we write in the past tense, we need to make sure the verbs (doing words) are also written in that tense. This can be achieved by writing ‘ed’ onto the end of the word.

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1. Which type of words can we add 'ed' onto, to change the tense?
[ ] verbs
[ ] nouns
[ ] pronouns
[ ] proper nouns
2. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] rope
[ ] jump
[ ] pole
[ ] girl
3. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] red
[ ] postbox
[ ] post
[ ] letter
4. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] push
[ ] dominoes
[ ] dots
[ ] lines
5. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] fingers
[ ] sky
[ ] blue
[ ] touch
6. Which word isn't written in the past tense?
[ ] danced
[ ] turned
[ ] partying
[ ] twirled
7. Which word cannot end with 'ed'?
[ ] love
[ ] kiss
[ ] people
[ ] cuddle
8. If the verb ends in a short vowel sound, like 'hop', we double the last letter, then add 'ed'. Which spelling is correct?
[ ] hoped
[ ] hopped
[ ] hopeed
[ ] hoppeed
9. Which spelling is correct?
[ ] driped
[ ] dripeed
[ ] dripped
[ ] driepd
10. 'He should have walked but instead he danced then skidded.' How many past tense verbs are in that sentence?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
English Language: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - Grade 2 Language - Past Tense ('ed' to Verbs) (Answers)
1. Which type of words can we add 'ed' onto, to change the tense?
[x] verbs
[ ] nouns
[ ] pronouns
[ ] proper nouns
We can only add 'ed' to the end of verbs, doing words.
2. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] rope
[x] jump
[ ] pole
[ ] girl
'Jump' is the verb and if she did it yesterday, she jumped.
3. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] red
[ ] postbox
[x] post
[ ] letter
The word 'post' is a verb and 'posted' means you've already done it.
4. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[x] push
[ ] dominoes
[ ] dots
[ ] lines
You can push the dominoes over, which means you pushed them.
5. Which word can we add 'ed' onto the end, to change the tense?
[ ] fingers
[ ] sky
[ ] blue
[x] touch
To change 'touch' into the past tense, you would write 'touched'.
6. Which word isn't written in the past tense?
[ ] danced
[ ] turned
[x] partying
[ ] twirled
The word 'partying' suggests it is happening now.
7. Which word cannot end with 'ed'?
[ ] love
[ ] kiss
[x] people
[ ] cuddle
If the verb already ends with an 'e', like 'cuddle' then you just add 'd'.
8. If the verb ends in a short vowel sound, like 'hop', we double the last letter, then add 'ed'. Which spelling is correct?
[ ] hoped
[x] hopped
[ ] hopeed
[ ] hoppeed
Because the 'o' sound is considered a short vowel sound, we double the 'p' then add 'ed'.
9. Which spelling is correct?
[ ] driped
[ ] dripeed
[x] dripped
[ ] driepd
To change 'drip' to the past tense, we double the end letter, then add 'ed'.
10. 'He should have walked but instead he danced then skidded.' How many past tense verbs are in that sentence?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[x] 3
[ ] 4
The verbs were 'walk', 'skid' and 'dance'.