
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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This Grade 3 English Language quiz will test you on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Do you know the difference between each type of word? Find out by playing this quiz.

1. Sarah saw her favorite teacher in the hallway.
Who does the pronoun “her” refer to?
[ ] Sarah
[ ] teacher
[ ] you
[ ] the hallway
2. Erin ate pizza at noon because she wanted it for lunch.
What does the pronoun “it” refer to?
[ ] pizza
[ ] noon
[ ] lunch
[ ] Erin
3. Sam painted the house in several different colors.
Who is performing the verb in the sentence?
[ ] house
[ ] Sam
[ ] colors
[ ] painted
4. The dogs drank all of the water in the two bowls.
What is receiving the action of the verb?
[ ] bowls
[ ] drank
[ ] dogs
[ ] water
5. The purple furry gloves kept my hands warm.
What is the word “purple” doing in the sentence?
[ ] It is describing a verb
[ ] It shows action
[ ] It is a thing
[ ] It is describing a noun
6. My mom spread the creamy mayo on my sandwich.
What part of the sentence is descriptive?
[ ] creamy
[ ] spread
[ ] mom
[ ] sandwich
7. The nurse carefully gave the crying toddler a shot.
What does the adverb in the sentence describe?
[ ] toddler
[ ] crying
[ ] gave
[ ] nurse
8. The woman walked fast down the dark hallway.
What does the adverb in the sentence describe?
[ ] fast
[ ] walked
[ ] dark
[ ] down
9. Decide which word is NOT a noun.
wooden, door, window, jar
[ ] jar
[ ] window
[ ] wooden
[ ] door
10. Decide which word is NOT a noun.
death, deadly, alive, birth
[ ] deadly
[ ] death
[ ] alive
[ ] birth
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs (Answers)
1. Sarah saw her favorite teacher in the hallway.
Who does the pronoun “her” refer to?
[x] Sarah
[ ] teacher
[ ] you
[ ] the hallway
Her refers to Sarah because it is about her favorite teacher
2. Erin ate pizza at noon because she wanted it for lunch.
What does the pronoun “it” refer to?
[x] pizza
[ ] noon
[ ] lunch
[ ] Erin
Erin wanted pizza and had pizza for lunch, so it refers to the pizza
3. Sam painted the house in several different colors.
Who is performing the verb in the sentence?
[ ] house
[x] Sam
[ ] colors
[ ] painted
Painted is the verb and Sam is the one who is performing the verb
4. The dogs drank all of the water in the two bowls.
What is receiving the action of the verb?
[ ] bowls
[ ] drank
[ ] dogs
[x] water
The water is the word that is receiving the drinking
5. The purple furry gloves kept my hands warm.
What is the word “purple” doing in the sentence?
[ ] It is describing a verb
[ ] It shows action
[ ] It is a thing
[x] It is describing a noun
Purple is an adjective in the sentence, so it is describing the gloves
6. My mom spread the creamy mayo on my sandwich.
What part of the sentence is descriptive?
[x] creamy
[ ] spread
[ ] mom
[ ] sandwich
The word “creamy” is being used as an adjective to describe the mayo
7. The nurse carefully gave the crying toddler a shot.
What does the adverb in the sentence describe?
[ ] toddler
[ ] crying
[x] gave
[ ] nurse
The adverb is carefully and this describes how the shot was given
8. The woman walked fast down the dark hallway.
What does the adverb in the sentence describe?
[ ] fast
[x] walked
[ ] dark
[ ] down
The adverb is fast and it describes how the woman walked
9. Decide which word is NOT a noun.
wooden, door, window, jar
[ ] jar
[ ] window
[x] wooden
[ ] door
'Wooden' is an adjective
10. Decide which word is NOT a noun.
death, deadly, alive, birth
[x] deadly
[ ] death
[ ] alive
[ ] birth
'Deadly' can be used both as an adjective and an adverb: 'A deadly virus' (adjective) and 'I was deadly serious about it' (adverb - absolutely serious)