
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Reference Materials (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Reference Materials' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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While writing or reading material, students should consult references to ensure accuracy. Dictionaries and glossaries provide definitions for unknown words. Dictionaries provide pronunciation keys and glossaries may provide page numbers where the term is located on. Thesauruses provide synonyms and antonyms for words. In this quiz, students will use the dictionary entries, glossary example and thesaurus example to answer the questions about word meanings and pronunciations.


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wildlife (wild – lif) n. things that are alive and live off the land

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windchill (wind – chil) n. the belief that the temperature of air is lower because of the breeze on the body

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window (wind-o) n. an opening in a house that allows something to go through

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windy (wind – e) adj. moving wind

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wisdom (wiz-dum) n. having the knowledge and judgment needed

wise (wiz) adj. the qualities of having knowledge and judgment needed

wish (wish) v. to want or desire for something

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withdraw (with – dro) v. to take something away

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witness (wit-nes) n. to observe something

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witty (wit – e) adj. clever

wolf (wulf) n. an animal that usually lives in the wild that is furry and has a pointy nose

wonder (wun-der) v. to think about something


Climate – the temperature, precipitation and wind conditions in an area
Core – the center part of the Earth shaped like a ball
Crust – the outside level of the Earth
Fossil – the remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time
Rock cycle – the system in which a rock is formed, transformed and made into another rock
Weather – the immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
Weathering – when rock erodes due to natural occurrences


Know – learn, notice, see
Like – similar, close, comparable
Long – tall, deep, high, lengthy, expanded
Look – peek, glance, stare, view
Make – produce, form, construct
Many – several, lots, countless
Sound – noise
Water – liquid
Write – scribe, scribble, record
1. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce wise?
[ ] A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
[ ] A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
[ ] A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
[ ] A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
2. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means a stream of air that feels colder than it really is?
[ ] Withdraw
[ ] Window
[ ] Windy
[ ] Windchill
3. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce witty?
[ ] A long “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
[ ] A short “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
[ ] A long “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
[ ] A short “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
4. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means an animal that does not live in captivity?
[ ] Wolf
[ ] Wish
[ ] Wildlife
[ ] Wonder
5. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the difference between weather and climate?
[ ] Climate has to do with a region and weather is for one small place.
[ ] Weather has to do with a region and climate is for one small place.
[ ] Climate is about temperature and weather is about wind.
[ ] Climate is about wind and weather is about temperature.
6. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
Which word is the round part inside the middle of the Earth?
[ ] Weathering
[ ] Core
[ ] Fossil
[ ] Crust
7. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the rock cycle?
[ ] The immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
[ ] The remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time.
[ ] A process where rocks change and then become other rocks.
[ ] When rock erodes due to natural occurrences.
8. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means something that is tall or deep?
[ ] Know
[ ] Like
[ ] Write
[ ] Long
9. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means to produce or construct something?
[ ] Know
[ ] Many
[ ] Make
[ ] Write
10. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means lots or countless?
[ ] Write
[ ] Know
[ ] Sound
[ ] Many
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Reference Materials (Answers)
1. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce wise?
[ ] A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
[x] A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
[ ] A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
[ ] A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
The "e" on the end of the word makes the vowel "i" say its name.
2. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means a stream of air that feels colder than it really is?
[ ] Withdraw
[ ] Window
[ ] Windy
[x] Windchill
Windchill and windy have different meanings.
3. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce witty?
[ ] A long “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
[x] A short “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
[ ] A long “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
[ ] A short “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
Many words that end in "y" have the long "e" sound.
4. Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means an animal that does not live in captivity?
[ ] Wolf
[ ] Wish
[x] Wildlife
[ ] Wonder
Wildlife refers to animals that do not live in captivity.
5. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the difference between weather and climate?
[x] Climate has to do with a region and weather is for one small place.
[ ] Weather has to do with a region and climate is for one small place.
[ ] Climate is about temperature and weather is about wind.
[ ] Climate is about wind and weather is about temperature.
Usually a climate has to do with a larger area than weather.
6. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
Which word is the round part inside the middle of the Earth?
[ ] Weathering
[x] Core
[ ] Fossil
[ ] Crust
The core is the center part of the Earth.
7. Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the rock cycle?
[ ] The immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
[ ] The remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time.
[x] A process where rocks change and then become other rocks.
[ ] When rock erodes due to natural occurrences.
The rock cycle is a system for rocks.
8. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means something that is tall or deep?
[ ] Know
[ ] Like
[ ] Write
[x] Long
Long means something that is tall or deep.
9. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means to produce or construct something?
[ ] Know
[ ] Many
[x] Make
[ ] Write
Make means to construct or produce.
10. Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means lots or countless?
[ ] Write
[ ] Know
[ ] Sound
[x] Many
Many means several or lots.