
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Writing - Comprehension (Literature) (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Comprehension (Literature)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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When a student learns to read and analyze literature, it will strengthen their writing narrative skills. They will use the elements found in literature they read in short stories. These would include characters, settings, events and specific details. The more students read, the better it will help them write their narratives. In this quiz, students will answer questions about what should be included in their narrative writing.

1. When writing a short story, how should the student begin their story?
[ ] They should provide the conflict that will be solved later
[ ] They should introduce each character with a description
[ ] They should show the setting through details and events
[ ] They should describe the setting by explaining exactly what it looks like
2. Also, during the beginning of the story, how should the characters be introduced?
[ ] By a separate paragraph describing each character
[ ] By alternating explaining events and characters' descriptions
[ ] By explaining the events with the characters' descriptions
[ ] The characters should be described immediately with the conflict
3. In what way should the conflict be described?
[ ] By describing the major problem and then explaining what led to this major problem
[ ] By announcing the conflict when it is at its worst
[ ] By building suspense through events with the conflict
[ ] By describing the events after the major problem
4. When describing the climax in a story, what should be taking place?
[ ] The conflict should be resolved
[ ] The characters should be excited
[ ] The conflict is should just be beginning
[ ] The conflict should be at its worst
5. What should be included with the characters?
[ ] Feelings from each character
[ ] Every characters' thoughts
[ ] Dialogue between characters
[ ] Descriptions of the characters' facial expressions
6. After the climax takes place in a story, what happens after that?
[ ] The problem is introduced
[ ] The problem is resolved
[ ] The characters get angry
[ ] The story is wrapped up
7. During the resolution, what happens?
[ ] The conflict decreases
[ ] The characters start another problem
[ ] The problem continues
[ ] The story comes to a close
8. How should the author of the story let the reader visualize the events and characters?
[ ] The author should include more words than they expect
[ ] The author should write the events in chronological order
[ ] The author should include linking verbs and articles
[ ] The author should include adjectives, adverbs and descriptive details
9. In what way can a student show and not tell a story?
[ ] By using strong action verbs
[ ] By including nouns and verbs
[ ] By using linking verbs
[ ] By including many events
10. Why should the author include the theme of the story?
[ ] Because the reader will understand the purpose of the story
[ ] To let the reader know the message the author is conveying
[ ] So the reader can predict what will happen next
[ ] To ensure that the reader will want to read the author's next story
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Writing - Comprehension (Literature) (Answers)
1. When writing a short story, how should the student begin their story?
[ ] They should provide the conflict that will be solved later
[ ] They should introduce each character with a description
[x] They should show the setting through details and events
[ ] They should describe the setting by explaining exactly what it looks like
It is important to show and not tell
2. Also, during the beginning of the story, how should the characters be introduced?
[ ] By a separate paragraph describing each character
[ ] By alternating explaining events and characters' descriptions
[x] By explaining the events with the characters' descriptions
[ ] The characters should be described immediately with the conflict
Similar to the setting, the characters should be described with the action
3. In what way should the conflict be described?
[ ] By describing the major problem and then explaining what led to this major problem
[ ] By announcing the conflict when it is at its worst
[x] By building suspense through events with the conflict
[ ] By describing the events after the major problem
In a story, the conflict builds up to the climax
4. When describing the climax in a story, what should be taking place?
[ ] The conflict should be resolved
[ ] The characters should be excited
[ ] The conflict is should just be beginning
[x] The conflict should be at its worst
When the conflict reaches the climax, the conflict is at its worst
5. What should be included with the characters?
[ ] Feelings from each character
[ ] Every characters' thoughts
[x] Dialogue between characters
[ ] Descriptions of the characters' facial expressions
Characters should communicate with each other
6. After the climax takes place in a story, what happens after that?
[ ] The problem is introduced
[x] The problem is resolved
[ ] The characters get angry
[ ] The story is wrapped up
Even though the problem is resolved during the falling action, the story is usually not over
7. During the resolution, what happens?
[ ] The conflict decreases
[ ] The characters start another problem
[ ] The problem continues
[x] The story comes to a close
At the resolution, the story comes to an end
8. How should the author of the story let the reader visualize the events and characters?
[ ] The author should include more words than they expect
[ ] The author should write the events in chronological order
[ ] The author should include linking verbs and articles
[x] The author should include adjectives, adverbs and descriptive details
When a student uses adjectives, adverbs and descriptive details in a story, the reader will be able to visualize the story
9. In what way can a student show and not tell a story?
[x] By using strong action verbs
[ ] By including nouns and verbs
[ ] By using linking verbs
[ ] By including many events
Strong action verbs will show exactly what is happening in the story
10. Why should the author include the theme of the story?
[ ] Because the reader will understand the purpose of the story
[x] To let the reader know the message the author is conveying
[ ] So the reader can predict what will happen next
[ ] To ensure that the reader will want to read the author's next story
Since the theme of the story is the message, the student should be writing the story with their message in mind