
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 5 Language - Opposite Meaning 2 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Opposite Meaning 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Words that have opposite meanings are also known as antonyms.

In this quiz, you have to find TWO words, one from each group, that are the most OPPOSITE in meaning. Take your time and look at each of the words carefully before making your choice. An example has been done for you. See if you can get full marks in this quiz!

Example: choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(good luck today) is MOST opposite to (wish charm bad)

good wish

luck charm

today wish

good bad

Answer: The correct answer is good bad because good and bad are opposites, while the other words have no direct opposite on offer.
1. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(expire expand exhale) is MOST opposite to (condense convene contract)
[ ] expire convene
[ ] expand convene
[ ] expand contract
[ ] exhale condense
2. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(import implore imply) is MOST opposite to (export expose explain)
[ ] import explain
[ ] import export
[ ] imply expose
[ ] implore expose
3. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(weep wail wish) is MOST opposite to (shout laugh call)
[ ] weep laugh
[ ] wail shout
[ ] wish call
[ ] weep shout
4. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(scared scarce scary) is MOST opposite to (everywhere universal abundant)
[ ] scared universal
[ ] scarce abundant
[ ] scary everywhere
[ ] scarce everywhere
5. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(solid strong hard) is MOST opposite to (plastic gentle liquid)
[ ] hard liquid
[ ] strong gentle
[ ] solid plastic
[ ] solid liquid
6. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(gives givers generosity) is MOST opposite to (present meanness have)
[ ] generosity meanness
[ ] gives present
[ ] givers have
[ ] generosity present
7. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(ground park common) is MOST opposite to (usual occasional rare)
[ ] ground usual
[ ] park occasional
[ ] common rare
[ ] common usual
8. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(appeal invite attract) is MOST opposite to (reply repel repeal)
[ ] appeal reply
[ ] appeal repeal
[ ] attract repel
[ ] attract reply
9. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(criminal guilty court) is MOST opposite to (absent innocent frequent)
[ ] criminal innocent
[ ] court absent
[ ] guilty innocent
[ ] court frequent
10. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(perhaps not possible) is MOST opposite to (against whole definitely)
[ ] not against
[ ] possible definitely
[ ] perhaps whole
[ ] perhaps definitely
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 5 Language - Opposite Meaning 2 (Answers)
1. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(expire expand exhale) is MOST opposite to (condense convene contract)
[ ] expire convene
[ ] expand convene
[x] expand contract
[ ] exhale condense
This is because expand and contract are opposites, meaning to grow and to shrink, like ice does when it is frozen and thawed. What other things expand and contract? Some ideas of ours are in one of the answers below
2. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(import implore imply) is MOST opposite to (export expose explain)
[ ] import explain
[x] import export
[ ] imply expose
[ ] implore expose
This is because import and export mean to bring goods in to a country, and to send goods out of a country to somewhere else. Although the first three words all start with 'im' and the second three all start with 'ex', there is no other pair of opposites available
3. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(weep wail wish) is MOST opposite to (shout laugh call)
[x] weep laugh
[ ] wail shout
[ ] wish call
[ ] weep shout
This is because weep means to cry and laugh is its opposite. Wail is related to cry because sometimes we wail, or make a loud noise, when we cry, but wail is not the opposite of laugh. We could wail with laughter!
4. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(scared scarce scary) is MOST opposite to (everywhere universal abundant)
[ ] scared universal
[x] scarce abundant
[ ] scary everywhere
[ ] scarce everywhere
This is because scarce is another word for 'in short supply' or 'lacking' and abundant is another word for 'plentiful'. True, if something was abundant, it might be universal, or everywhere, but these are related words, not opposites. The quick quiz from question 1? We think some things which expand and contract include wood, when it is heated or cooled; metal, when temperature increases or decreases; and gas, when it is subjected to heat or pressure
5. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(solid strong hard) is MOST opposite to (plastic gentle liquid)
[ ] hard liquid
[ ] strong gentle
[ ] solid plastic
[x] solid liquid
This is because solid and liquid are opposites. Some of the other choices come close, like strong and gentle, but they are not quite opposites. It is possible to be strong and gentle, like a mother elephant towards her baby!
6. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(gives givers generosity) is MOST opposite to (present meanness have)
[x] generosity meanness
[ ] gives present
[ ] givers have
[ ] generosity present
This is because generosity means the quality of being able to share with others freely, and meanness means being too mean to share. If generosity is a noun, what adjective can we get from it? Read below to find out
7. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(ground park common) is MOST opposite to (usual occasional rare)
[ ] ground usual
[ ] park occasional
[x] common rare
[ ] common usual
This is because common means 'widely available' or 'abundant', and rare means 'not widely available'. No other two words are opposites of each other
8. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(appeal invite attract) is MOST opposite to (reply repel repeal)
[ ] appeal reply
[ ] appeal repeal
[x] attract repel
[ ] attract reply
This is because attract means to encourage something towards something else (like when two opposite ends of a magnet are attracted to each other) and repel means to push something away from something else, (like when two similar ends of a magnet push each other apart
9. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(criminal guilty court) is MOST opposite to (absent innocent frequent)
[ ] criminal innocent
[ ] court absent
[x] guilty innocent
[ ] court frequent
This is because guilty means responsible for having done something wrong and innocent means 'not responsible for wrong-doing.' Criminal and innocent can also be opposites, but are not the MOST opposite words available. The answer to the quiz question in question 6? The adjective we get from the noun generosity is 'generous'
10. Choose the pair of words which are MOST opposite to each other, taking one word from each group of three. The correct answer is one of the four choices available.

(perhaps not possible) is MOST opposite to (against whole definitely)
[ ] not against
[ ] possible definitely
[ ] perhaps whole
[x] perhaps definitely
This is because perhaps means 'maybe' or 'with the possibility that' and definitely means 'without a doubt' or '100% likely'