
History: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Tudor Explorers (Questions)

This History quiz is called 'Tudor Explorers' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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America was discovered at the very beginning of Tudor times. It was an era in which explorers went in search of new lands to settle and to trade with. Tudor exploration began in the 15th century and went on for over 200 years. During the reign of Elizabeth I, many sailors went in search of unknown lands and European knowledge of the rest of the world increased significantly. By the end of the Tudor period five of the seven continents had been discovered, though Australia was not found until the mid 1600s and Antarctica the early 1800s.

1. In which year did Columbus discover America?
[ ] 1392
[ ] 1492
[ ] 1592
[ ] 1692
2. What was the name of the fabled City of Gold in South America?
[ ] El Dorado
[ ] Atlantis
[ ] Avalon
[ ] Brittia
3. What was the name of the first English settlement in North America?
[ ] Plymouth
[ ] Jamestown
[ ] Roanoke
[ ] New York
4. Who was the first British man to sail around the world?
[ ] Sir Francis Drake
[ ] Sir Walter Raleigh
[ ] Martin Frobisher
[ ] John Cabot
5. What was the name of the ship that Drake sailed around the world?
[ ] The Marigold
[ ] The Elizabeth
[ ] The Golden Lion
[ ] The Golden Hind
6. Which of these plants was NOT discovered by the Tudors?
[ ] Tobacco
[ ] Potato
[ ] Wheat
[ ] Sweet corn
7. Where did John Cabot discover in 1497?
[ ] Newfoundland
[ ] New York
[ ] South America
[ ] New England
8. What did the British take from West Africa and sell to the Spanish colonies in America?
[ ] Cotton
[ ] Potatoes
[ ] Slaves
[ ] Spices
9. Who was Virginia named after?
[ ] Henry VII
[ ] Elizabeth I
[ ] Henry VIII
[ ] Anne Boleyn
10. What was the name of the disease suffered by sailors who did not get enough fresh fruit and vegetables?
[ ] Measles
[ ] Typhoid
[ ] Scurvy
[ ] Chicken Pox
History: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Tudor Explorers (Answers)
1. In which year did Columbus discover America?
[ ] 1392
[x] 1492
[ ] 1592
[ ] 1692
Columbus was an Italian working for the King and Queen of Spain
2. What was the name of the fabled City of Gold in South America?
[x] El Dorado
[ ] Atlantis
[ ] Avalon
[ ] Brittia
No such place ever existed but lots of explorers tried to find it
3. What was the name of the first English settlement in North America?
[ ] Plymouth
[ ] Jamestown
[x] Roanoke
[ ] New York
The settlement was not successful and was abandoned - although nobody really knows what happened to the settlers
4. Who was the first British man to sail around the world?
[x] Sir Francis Drake
[ ] Sir Walter Raleigh
[ ] Martin Frobisher
[ ] John Cabot
Drake completed his voyage around the world in 1580 but is more famous for his defeat of the Spanish armada in 1588
5. What was the name of the ship that Drake sailed around the world?
[ ] The Marigold
[ ] The Elizabeth
[ ] The Golden Lion
[x] The Golden Hind
The ship was originally called Pelican, but was renamed by Drake 1578, halfway through a voyage
6. Which of these plants was NOT discovered by the Tudors?
[ ] Tobacco
[ ] Potato
[x] Wheat
[ ] Sweet corn
Wheat had been known for thousands of years but tobacco, potatoes and sweet corn were not known outside of the Americas
7. Where did John Cabot discover in 1497?
[x] Newfoundland
[ ] New York
[ ] South America
[ ] New England
Newfoundland is now in Canada
8. What did the British take from West Africa and sell to the Spanish colonies in America?
[ ] Cotton
[ ] Potatoes
[x] Slaves
[ ] Spices
The slave trade went on from the 1500s to the 1800s
9. Who was Virginia named after?
[ ] Henry VII
[x] Elizabeth I
[ ] Henry VIII
[ ] Anne Boleyn
Elizabeth was known as the Virgin Queen as she never married
10. What was the name of the disease suffered by sailors who did not get enough fresh fruit and vegetables?
[ ] Measles
[ ] Typhoid
[x] Scurvy
[ ] Chicken Pox
Scurvy is thought to have killed at least two million sailors between 1500 and 1800