
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Multiplication and Division Problems (Questions)

This Math quiz is called 'Multiplication and Division Problems' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Using multiplication and division to solve word problems begins with understanding the associated language, such as 'groups of' or 'multiplied by' for multiplication and 'shared equally' and 'divided by' for division. Solving problems set in real contexts, such as shopping or sharing toys or candies is an important and useful skill.

Try this quiz to see how well you do with multiplication and division questions.

1. There are 5 apples in a bag. The cook needs enough apples to feed 40 children. How many bags must the cook buy?
[ ] 45
[ ] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 15
2. Joe wants to buy a computer game costing £3.50. If he saves 50p a week, how many weeks will he need to save for before he can afford the game?
[ ] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 5
[ ] 7
3. The teacher wants to put the children into groups of 5. If there are 30 children in the class, how many groups can be made?
[ ] 6
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 9
4. The class is going to have a party. There are 25 in the class. Potato chips come in big bags of 5. How many ‘big bags’ will we need to ensure all children get a bag of potato chips?
[ ] 9
[ ] 7
[ ] 5
[ ] 15
5. A chocolate company has made 60 limited edition chocolates. They wish to pack them 10 to a box. How many full boxes can they make?
[ ] 6
[ ] 70
[ ] 10
[ ] 16
6. A company packs Popsicles into boxes of 10. Each box has 5 strawberry and 5 blackcurrant Popsicles. They have made 50 strawberry and 50 blackcurrant Popsicles. How many full boxes can they make?
[ ] 100
[ ] 20
[ ] 50
[ ] 10
7. I need a knife, fork and spoon for 12 people. How many pieces of flatware will I need altogether?
[ ] 36
[ ] 24
[ ] 123
[ ] 32
8. If there are 12 bikes in the bike shop, how many wheels will there be altogether?
[ ] 12
[ ] 6
[ ] 24
[ ] 10
9. I give 5 candies to each of my 10 friends. How many candies did I give away altogether?
[ ] 50
[ ] 15
[ ] 51
[ ] 55
10. At a party, each child is given 2 balloons. If 15 children come to the party, how many balloons will there need to be?
[ ] 50
[ ] 17
[ ] 30
[ ] 35
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Multiplication and Division Problems (Answers)
1. There are 5 apples in a bag. The cook needs enough apples to feed 40 children. How many bags must the cook buy?
[ ] 45
[x] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 15
40 ÷ 5 = 8
2. Joe wants to buy a computer game costing £3.50. If he saves 50p a week, how many weeks will he need to save for before he can afford the game?
[ ] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 5
[x] 7
7 x 50p = £3.50
3. The teacher wants to put the children into groups of 5. If there are 30 children in the class, how many groups can be made?
[x] 6
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
[ ] 9
30 children divided into groups of 5 would give 6 groups altogether
4. The class is going to have a party. There are 25 in the class. Potato chips come in big bags of 5. How many ‘big bags’ will we need to ensure all children get a bag of potato chips?
[ ] 9
[ ] 7
[x] 5
[ ] 15
5 x 5 = 25, so we will need 5 big bags
5. A chocolate company has made 60 limited edition chocolates. They wish to pack them 10 to a box. How many full boxes can they make?
[x] 6
[ ] 70
[ ] 10
[ ] 16
60 chocolates divided equally into groups of ten gives an answer of 6
6. A company packs Popsicles into boxes of 10. Each box has 5 strawberry and 5 blackcurrant Popsicles. They have made 50 strawberry and 50 blackcurrant Popsicles. How many full boxes can they make?
[ ] 100
[ ] 20
[ ] 50
[x] 10
There are 100 Popsicles altogether. 100 divided into groups of 10 means they could make 10 full boxes
7. I need a knife, fork and spoon for 12 people. How many pieces of flatware will I need altogether?
[x] 36
[ ] 24
[ ] 123
[ ] 32
3 x 12, or 12 x 3 = 36
8. If there are 12 bikes in the bike shop, how many wheels will there be altogether?
[ ] 12
[ ] 6
[x] 24
[ ] 10
12 x 2 = 24
9. I give 5 candies to each of my 10 friends. How many candies did I give away altogether?
[x] 50
[ ] 15
[ ] 51
[ ] 55
10 x 5 or 5 x 10 = 50
10. At a party, each child is given 2 balloons. If 15 children come to the party, how many balloons will there need to be?
[ ] 50
[ ] 17
[x] 30
[ ] 35
2 x 15 = 30 balloons altogether