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Biology: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Biology in High School - Grades 9 and 10

Have you ever heard of proprioception? No? Well, we have, brainy things that we are. (Actually we’ll come clean - we hadn’t heard of it until just now.)

Proprioception is one of our senses – and not one of the main five that we know and love so well. Rather than go into a rambling technical description of exactly what proprioception is, we’ll explain it with a practical example.

Close your eyes. Now open them again to read what to do next.

OK, when you’ve read the next sentence, close your eyes and follow the instructions. Put your finger on your nose. With your eyes closed remember. Did you do it? Wasn’t it easy? That’s proprioception for you. It’s the sense that can detect where the parts of your body are in respect to each other. Clever dontcha think?

Getting back to biology. We’ve taken a wide range of subjects found under the biological umbrella such as: evolution; hormones; disease; cloning; diet, food chains and superbugs (that’s not giant beetles by the way). Then we sprinkled them with interest, loaded them with fun and quizzified them. All for the benefit of your review. Aren’t we good to you?

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said, “I try to show the public that chemistry, biology, physics, astrophysics is life. It is not some separate subject that you have to be pulled into a corner to be taught about.”

Aristotle (who needs no introduction we hope) said, “By ‘life’, we mean a thing that can nourish itself and grow and decay.”

It sounds like if they met today in McDonald’s they’d certainly agree on this point. And perhaps share a portion of French fries.

Shall we explore life itself? Let’s get physical and let’s get quizzical!

Quiz Title Options
Biology - Abuse of Drugs Biology - Abuse of Drugs Play
Biology - Adaptation Biology - Adaptation Play
Biology - Cloning Biology - Cloning Play
Biology - Competition Biology - Competition Play
Biology - Detecting our Environment Biology - Detecting our Environment Play
Biology - Differences Between Organisms Biology - Differences Between Organisms Play
Biology - Energy in Food Chains Biology - Energy in Food Chains Play
Biology - Environmental Change Biology - Environmental Change Play
Biology - Evolution Biology - Evolution Play
Biology - Exercise and Health Biology - Exercise and Health Play
Biology - Fertility Biology - Fertility Play
Biology - Fighting Disease Biology - Fighting Disease Play
Biology - Genetic Engineering Biology - Genetic Engineering Play
Biology - Healthy Diet Biology - Healthy Diet Play
Biology - Hormones Biology - Hormones Play
Biology - Messages in the Body Biology - Messages in the Body Play
Biology - Microorganisms and Disease Biology - Microorganisms and Disease Play
Biology - Natural Defences Biology - Natural Defences Play
Biology - Natural Selection Biology - Natural Selection Play
Biology - Plant Sensitivity and Control Biology - Plant Sensitivity and Control Play
Biology - Reproduction Biology - Reproduction Play
Biology - Superbugs Biology - Superbugs Play
Biology - The Carbon Cycle Biology - The Carbon Cycle Play
Biology - Use of Drugs Biology - Use of Drugs Play
Biology - Waste Management Biology - Waste Management Play

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