
English Language: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quiz - Literary Terms 1 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Literary Terms 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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Literary terms include 'mood', 'theme', 'narrative', 'dramatic irony'. Like every other subject, English literature has its own vocabulary. Writing about a novel, play or poem requires you to understand these terms and be able to use them confidently.

See if you know the difference between a 'protagonist' and an 'antagonist' or 'irony' and 'satire' by trying this English quiz.

1. Choose the correct literary term.
An individual represented dramatically or in narrative.
[ ] Idiom
[ ] Figure
[ ] Author
[ ] Character
2. Choose the correct literary term.
A conversation between characters in a narrative or dramatic work.
[ ] Dialogue
[ ] Monologue
[ ] Narration
[ ] Argument
3. Choose the correct literary term.
The central idea of a work of literature.
[ ] Subject
[ ] Mood
[ ] Theme
[ ] Event
4. Choose the correct literary term.
In a narrative or dramatic work, the events which occur and their relationship to one another.
[ ] Plot
[ ] Mood
[ ] Structure
[ ] Narration
5. Choose the correct literary term.
The main character in a story or play.
[ ] Antagonist
[ ] Protagonist
[ ] Peripheral character
[ ] Sidekick
6. Choose the correct literary term.
The 'person' who tells the story to the audience in a work of fiction.
[ ] Antagonist
[ ] Protagonist
[ ] Author
[ ] Narrator
7. Choose the correct literary term.
The personal angle or perspective from which a story is told.
[ ] Distance
[ ] Omniscience
[ ] Point of view
[ ] Autobiographical
8. Choose the correct literary term.
Saying one thing, while meaning something else.
[ ] Satire
[ ] Irony
[ ] Tragedy
[ ] Comedy
9. Choose the correct literary term.
A description of words or situations which can have more than one possible meaning.
[ ] Ambiguous
[ ] Paradoxical
[ ] Definitive
[ ] Simile
10. Choose the correct literary term.
The sensory perceptions created by a word or phrase.
[ ] Poetry
[ ] Description
[ ] Imagery
[ ] Ballad
English Language: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quiz - Literary Terms 1 (Answers)
1. Choose the correct literary term.
An individual represented dramatically or in narrative.
[ ] Idiom
[ ] Figure
[ ] Author
[x] Character
2. Choose the correct literary term.
A conversation between characters in a narrative or dramatic work.
[x] Dialogue
[ ] Monologue
[ ] Narration
[ ] Argument
3. Choose the correct literary term.
The central idea of a work of literature.
[ ] Subject
[ ] Mood
[x] Theme
[ ] Event
4. Choose the correct literary term.
In a narrative or dramatic work, the events which occur and their relationship to one another.
[x] Plot
[ ] Mood
[ ] Structure
[ ] Narration
A plot is the collection of all the events in a work of fiction, especially the way these events are related to one another. While plots must have structure, 'structure' alone is not the same as the plot
5. Choose the correct literary term.
The main character in a story or play.
[ ] Antagonist
[x] Protagonist
[ ] Peripheral character
[ ] Sidekick
An antagonist would be an adversary of the main character
6. Choose the correct literary term.
The 'person' who tells the story to the audience in a work of fiction.
[ ] Antagonist
[ ] Protagonist
[ ] Author
[x] Narrator
Be careful - the author and the narrator are not the same, although sometimes the narrator resembles the author. All stories have a narrator
7. Choose the correct literary term.
The personal angle or perspective from which a story is told.
[ ] Distance
[ ] Omniscience
[x] Point of view
[ ] Autobiographical
8. Choose the correct literary term.
Saying one thing, while meaning something else.
[ ] Satire
[x] Irony
[ ] Tragedy
[ ] Comedy
'Dramatic irony' is when the reader knows something that the characters don't know
9. Choose the correct literary term.
A description of words or situations which can have more than one possible meaning.
[x] Ambiguous
[ ] Paradoxical
[ ] Definitive
[ ] Simile
A word or situation is ambiguous when it has several possible meanings and it is unclear which meaning the author intends
10. Choose the correct literary term.
The sensory perceptions created by a word or phrase.
[ ] Poetry
[ ] Description
[x] Imagery
[ ] Ballad