
World History: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quiz - The French Revolution 3 (Questions)

This World History quiz is called 'The French Revolution 3' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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During the French Revolution, radicals ran the show! "Good order is the foundation of all good things" (Edmund Burke). However, late 18th century France found itself at the mercy of violent revolutionary mobs.

Here is our third History quiz in the series on the French Revolution.

1. Which was not one of the colors of the Revolution?
[ ] Blue
[ ] Green
[ ] Red
[ ] White
2. Where did the National Assembly take an oath?
[ ] In a stable
[ ] In an archery field
[ ] On a football field
[ ] On a tennis court
3. Which radical nobleman became President of the National Assembly?
[ ] Columbeau
[ ] Flambeau
[ ] Mirabeau
[ ] Rambeau
4. In July 1789 the mob stormed which building in Paris?
[ ] Notre Dame Cathedral
[ ] The Bastille
[ ] The Louvre
[ ] The Palace of Versailles
5. Bastille Day is still celebrated - on which date?
[ ] July 7th
[ ] July 14th
[ ] July 21st
[ ] July 28th
6. The peasants burned many of which buildings?
[ ] Chateaus
[ ] Churches
[ ] Schools
[ ] Town Halls
7. The National Assembly issued 'The Declaration of .......'
[ ] Independence
[ ] The Edict of the People
[ ] The Freedom from Servitude
[ ] The Rights of Man
8. What were the unskilled workers called?
[ ] Emigrés
[ ] Eminences Grises
[ ] Sans-Chapeaux
[ ] Sans-Culottes
9. The Assembly abolished which tax?
[ ] Income Tax
[ ] Land Tax
[ ] Poll Tax
[ ] Tithe
10. What did the King try to do in June 1791?
[ ] Bribe the mob to stop rioting
[ ] Get help from Britain
[ ] Imprison all members of the National Assembly
[ ] Leave France
World History: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quiz - The French Revolution 3 (Answers)
1. Which was not one of the colors of the Revolution?
[ ] Blue
[x] Green
[ ] Red
[ ] White
The French flag is the blue, white and red 'tricolor'
2. Where did the National Assembly take an oath?
[ ] In a stable
[ ] In an archery field
[ ] On a football field
[x] On a tennis court
Their 'tennis court oath' insisted their demands were met
3. Which radical nobleman became President of the National Assembly?
[ ] Columbeau
[ ] Flambeau
[x] Mirabeau
[ ] Rambeau
4. In July 1789 the mob stormed which building in Paris?
[ ] Notre Dame Cathedral
[x] The Bastille
[ ] The Louvre
[ ] The Palace of Versailles
It was a prison - they released prisoners and stole guns
5. Bastille Day is still celebrated - on which date?
[ ] July 7th
[x] July 14th
[ ] July 21st
[ ] July 28th
It is now a National Holiday in France
6. The peasants burned many of which buildings?
[x] Chateaus
[ ] Churches
[ ] Schools
[ ] Town Halls
They were owned by the nobles
7. The National Assembly issued 'The Declaration of .......'
[ ] Independence
[ ] The Edict of the People
[ ] The Freedom from Servitude
[x] The Rights of Man
It demanded freedom and equal rights
8. What were the unskilled workers called?
[ ] Emigrés
[ ] Eminences Grises
[ ] Sans-Chapeaux
[x] Sans-Culottes
Meaning 'without breeches' - they wore long pants; the rich wore culottes or knee breeches
9. The Assembly abolished which tax?
[ ] Income Tax
[ ] Land Tax
[ ] Poll Tax
[x] Tithe
A tenth of earnings went to the Church
10. What did the King try to do in June 1791?
[ ] Bribe the mob to stop rioting
[ ] Get help from Britain
[ ] Imprison all members of the National Assembly
[x] Leave France