
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Coastal Scenery 2 (Questions)

This Geography quiz is called 'Coastal Scenery 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Coastal sceneries almost always include beaches. There are many headlands along the UK coast, possibly the most well-known being Land's End in Cornwall. Land's End is the extreme south-westerly point of the British mainland.

Play our second Geography quiz in the series on coastal scenery.

1. When the coastline is worn back it is said to have what?
[ ] Diminished
[ ] Retreated
[ ] Shrunk
[ ] Withered
2. The movement of a wave up a beach is called what?
[ ] Splosh
[ ] Squish
[ ] Swale
[ ] Swash
3. Waves throwing pebbles at a cliff leads to what process?
[ ] Abrasion
[ ] Corrosion
[ ] Saltation
[ ] Solution
4. A famous shingle bank in Dorset is Chesil what?
[ ] Beach
[ ] Heights
[ ] Ridge
[ ] Way
5. What process leads to the formation of a sand spit?
[ ] Abrasion
[ ] Attrition
[ ] Hydraulic action
[ ] Longshore drift
6. Rock extending further out to sea than the rocks on either side forms a what?
[ ] Cave
[ ] Headland
[ ] Stack
[ ] Wave cut platform
7. What causes the end of a sand spit to curve?
[ ] A change in wind direction
[ ] An increase in wind strength
[ ] Larger grains of sand than usual
[ ] The activity of fish
8. Headlands and bays are found in areas with what?
[ ] Alternating bands of hard and soft rock
[ ] Chalk rock only
[ ] Hard rock only
[ ] Soft rock only
9. What name is given to large concrete blocks protecting the coast?
[ ] Sea break
[ ] Sea fence
[ ] Sea moat
[ ] Sea wall
10. Which wooden boards trap sand and stop beach erosion?
[ ] Gantries
[ ] Grilles
[ ] Groynes
[ ] Guardrails
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Coastal Scenery 2 (Answers)
1. When the coastline is worn back it is said to have what?
[ ] Diminished
[x] Retreated
[ ] Shrunk
[ ] Withered
2. The movement of a wave up a beach is called what?
[ ] Splosh
[ ] Squish
[ ] Swale
[x] Swash
Swash adds material to the beach
3. Waves throwing pebbles at a cliff leads to what process?
[x] Abrasion
[ ] Corrosion
[ ] Saltation
[ ] Solution
The pebbles attack the cliff face and erode it
4. A famous shingle bank in Dorset is Chesil what?
[x] Beach
[ ] Heights
[ ] Ridge
[ ] Way
About 17 miles long - one of the longest storm beaches in Europe!
5. What process leads to the formation of a sand spit?
[ ] Abrasion
[ ] Attrition
[ ] Hydraulic action
[x] Longshore drift
They are long sand ridges growing out from a beach
6. Rock extending further out to sea than the rocks on either side forms a what?
[ ] Cave
[x] Headland
[ ] Stack
[ ] Wave cut platform
7. What causes the end of a sand spit to curve?
[x] A change in wind direction
[ ] An increase in wind strength
[ ] Larger grains of sand than usual
[ ] The activity of fish
8. Headlands and bays are found in areas with what?
[x] Alternating bands of hard and soft rock
[ ] Chalk rock only
[ ] Hard rock only
[ ] Soft rock only
Soft rock erodes to give bays, hard rock stands out as headlands
9. What name is given to large concrete blocks protecting the coast?
[ ] Sea break
[ ] Sea fence
[ ] Sea moat
[x] Sea wall
10. Which wooden boards trap sand and stop beach erosion?
[ ] Gantries
[ ] Grilles
[x] Groynes
[ ] Guardrails
They run up and down the beach at intervals