
Math: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Percentages 1 (Questions)

This Math quiz is called 'Percentages 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Percentages are proportions of numbers. In this quiz, you'll get some practice in expressing one number as a percentage of another number. Suppose you were asked: 'What percentage of 50 is 20?' How would you do it? This is how you would do it: 2050 × 100% = (20 × 100) ÷ 50 = 40%.


Percentages are an important part of Math and they crop up in everyday life all the time. You may have heard a relative talk about a 5 or 10% deposit on a house, or perhaps interest on a bank loan. It's a good idea to really learn about percentages now, because as you progress through school you'll be asked to do harder and harder calculations involving percentages. They are all around us - and they won't go away!

See if you can get 100% in this middle school Math quiz! As always, take your time, read the question and four answers carefully before making your choice.

1. What percentage of 100 is 20?
[ ] 0.2%
[ ] 20%
[ ] 200%
[ ] 10%
2. What percentage of 300 is 900?
[ ] 30%
[ ] 270%
[ ] 300%
[ ] 27%
3. What percentage of 48 is 15?
[ ] 72%
[ ] 7.2%
[ ] 3.125%
[ ] 31.25%
4. What percentage of 500 is 60?
[ ] 3%
[ ] 30%
[ ] 12%
[ ] 1.2%
5. What percentage of 90 is 18?
[ ] 1.62%
[ ] 20%
[ ] 2%
[ ] 16.2%
6. If 12 pupils in a class of 30 don't have school lunch, what percentage of the class does this represent?
[ ] 40%
[ ] 36%
[ ] 3.6%
[ ] 4%
7. If 240 people out of a workforce of 1,500 were fired, what percentage of the workforce does this represent?
[ ] 16%
[ ] 36%
[ ] 1.6%
[ ] 3.6%
8. If, in a certain survey, 25 out of 125 people like Crunchy Crunch chocolate, what percentage of those surveyed does this represent?
[ ] 3.125%
[ ] 20%
[ ] 2%
[ ] 31.25%
9. If 3 out of 10 people live in a row house, what percentage does this represent?
[ ] 0.3%
[ ] 3%
[ ] 300%
[ ] 30%
10. If, in a survey on spending habits, 200 out of 10,000 people said they spent more than £300 a week on entertainment, what percentage does this represent?
[ ] 20%
[ ] 2%
[ ] 200%
[ ] 0.2%
Math: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Percentages 1 (Answers)
1. What percentage of 100 is 20?
[ ] 0.2%
[x] 20%
[ ] 200%
[ ] 10%
20100 × 100% = (20 × 100) ÷ 100 = 20%
2. What percentage of 300 is 900?
[ ] 30%
[ ] 270%
[x] 300%
[ ] 27%
90030 × 100% = (900 × 100) ÷ 30 = 300%. DON'T think that percentages can't be more than 100%
3. What percentage of 48 is 15?
[ ] 72%
[ ] 7.2%
[ ] 3.125%
[x] 31.25%
1548 × 100% = (15 × 100) ÷ 48 = 31.25%
4. What percentage of 500 is 60?
[ ] 3%
[ ] 30%
[x] 12%
[ ] 1.2%
60500 × 100% = (60 × 100) ÷ 500 = 12%
5. What percentage of 90 is 18?
[ ] 1.62%
[x] 20%
[ ] 2%
[ ] 16.2%
1890 × 100% = (18 × 100) ÷ 90 = 20%
6. If 12 pupils in a class of 30 don't have school lunch, what percentage of the class does this represent?
[x] 40%
[ ] 36%
[ ] 3.6%
[ ] 4%
1230 × 100% = (12 × 100) ÷ 30 = 40%
7. If 240 people out of a workforce of 1,500 were fired, what percentage of the workforce does this represent?
[x] 16%
[ ] 36%
[ ] 1.6%
[ ] 3.6%
2401,500 × 100% = (240 × 100) ÷ 1,500 = 16%
8. If, in a certain survey, 25 out of 125 people like Crunchy Crunch chocolate, what percentage of those surveyed does this represent?
[ ] 3.125%
[x] 20%
[ ] 2%
[ ] 31.25%
25125 × 100% = (25 × 100) ÷ 125 = 20%
9. If 3 out of 10 people live in a row house, what percentage does this represent?
[ ] 0.3%
[ ] 3%
[ ] 300%
[x] 30%
310 × 100% = (3 × 100) ÷ 10 = 30%
10. If, in a survey on spending habits, 200 out of 10,000 people said they spent more than £300 a week on entertainment, what percentage does this represent?
[ ] 20%
[x] 2%
[ ] 200%
[ ] 0.2%
20010,000 × 100% = (200 × 100) ÷ 10,000 = 2%