
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - All I Want For Christmas (Questions)

This Spanish Easy Review picture quiz will refresh your memory of what I want for Christmas or, maybe, what you want! Think about it! Christmas morning and Christmas Day are magical times for children of all ages! The anticipation is almost unbearable for many but so well worth it as family and friends gather together to celebrate.

Do you have any family Christmas traditions in your family? Well, people from all around the world have traditions and the same feelings of joy, giving and celebration. So for this quick picture quiz, we’re going to take a look at some of the things people receive at Christmas and some traditions. So pull your chair up to the tree and see how well you can celebrate with these pictures in Spanish!

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1. I sure would love to get a PUPPY!
[ ] vaca
[ ] pulpo
[ ] ratón
[ ] cachorro
2. A festive CANDLE makes a great table centerpiece!
[ ] escoba
[ ] vela
[ ] silla
[ ] alfombra
3. Can you see Santa up in the CHIMNEY?
[ ] nube
[ ] abrigo
[ ] chimenea
[ ] armario
4. Looks like the PRESENTS are under the tree!
[ ] presentes
[ ] cangrejos
[ ] patitos
[ ] planetas
5. Daddy buys mother a new pair of GLOVES every Christmas.
[ ] tijeras
[ ] alicates
[ ] guantes
[ ] frambuesas
6. What would Christmas be without HOLLY?
[ ] costillo
[ ] pelo
[ ] ganso
[ ] acebo
7. A neatly wrapped GIFT is a Christmas tradition.
[ ] pasto
[ ] regalo
[ ] tendero
[ ] calcetín
8. Looks like Santa’s SLEIGH is crossing the moon!
[ ] trineo
[ ] cielo
[ ] luna
[ ] alivio
9. SANTA CLAUS is picking up some of the many Christmas Wish Lists!
[ ] Papá Navidad
[ ] Feliz Navidad
[ ] Papá Noel
[ ] Feliz Noel
10. That is a mighty fine red hat and SCARF you have there!
[ ] tiburón
[ ] bufanda
[ ] barco
[ ] toronja
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - All I Want For Christmas (Answers)
1. I sure would love to get a PUPPY!
[ ] vaca
[ ] pulpo
[ ] ratón
[x] cachorro
The Spanish word for puppy is cachorro.
2. A festive CANDLE makes a great table centerpiece!
[ ] escoba
[x] vela
[ ] silla
[ ] alfombra
The Spanish word for candle is vela.
3. Can you see Santa up in the CHIMNEY?
[ ] nube
[ ] abrigo
[x] chimenea
[ ] armario
The Spanish word for chimney is chimenea.
4. Looks like the PRESENTS are under the tree!
[x] presentes
[ ] cangrejos
[ ] patitos
[ ] planetas
This is rather an easy one! The Spanish word for presents is presentes.
5. Daddy buys mother a new pair of GLOVES every Christmas.
[ ] tijeras
[ ] alicates
[x] guantes
[ ] frambuesas
The Spanish word for gloves is guantes.
6. What would Christmas be without HOLLY?
[ ] costillo
[ ] pelo
[ ] ganso
[x] acebo
The Spanish word for holly is acebo.
7. A neatly wrapped GIFT is a Christmas tradition.
[ ] pasto
[x] regalo
[ ] tendero
[ ] calcetín
The Spanish word for gift is regalo.
8. Looks like Santa’s SLEIGH is crossing the moon!
[x] trineo
[ ] cielo
[ ] luna
[ ] alivio
The Spanish word for sleigh is trineo.
9. SANTA CLAUS is picking up some of the many Christmas Wish Lists!
[ ] Papá Navidad
[ ] Feliz Navidad
[x] Papá Noel
[ ] Feliz Noel
The Spanish word(s) for Santa Claus are Papá Noel.
10. That is a mighty fine red hat and SCARF you have there!
[ ] tiburón
[x] bufanda
[ ] barco
[ ] toronja
The Spanish word for scarf is bufanda.