
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Animals In the Farmyard (Questions)

In this Spanish Medium Review picture quiz you will be seeing how quickly you can identify some farmyard animals. There are lots of different animals that can be found there and each animal has a very specific purpose. Some animals provide food while others provide clothing. Some help the farmer do his long, day’s work. Finally, some animals become the farmer’s pets – or the pets of the farmer’s children! In all, a farmyard is definitely full of all kinds of animal activities. Do you think you can remember some of these farmyard animals’ names in Spanish?


Below there are ten pictures and sentences. Each picture, and sentence, describes a farmyard animal. That animal is shown in all capitalized letters. From the answers given, see if you can locate the correct Spanish word that matches up with the capitalized word.

For a larger image, just click on the picture.
1. Does this little LAMB look lost?
[ ] oso
[ ] cordero
[ ] mapache
[ ] gatito
2. This here is a very beautiful mallard DUCK.
[ ] lobo
[ ] camello
[ ] pato
[ ] foca
3. I’ve never met a COW that I didn’t like!
[ ] vaca
[ ] perro
[ ] ratón
[ ] buey
4. A pond and GEESE just seem to go together!
[ ] mirlo
[ ] paloma
[ ] gansos
[ ] gallina
5. Have you ever ridden on a HORSE?
[ ] colibrí
[ ] águila
[ ] mapache
[ ] caballo
6. You don’t ever want to mess with a BULL.
[ ] yugo
[ ] pozo
[ ] toro
[ ] granero
7. Baa, baa black (ah white) SHEEP have you any wool?
[ ] buey
[ ] oveja
[ ] mula
[ ] caballo
8. This CHICKEN walks boldly!
[ ] ganso
[ ] pavo
[ ] burro
[ ] pollo
9. Have you ever tried to catch a greasy PIG?
[ ] cerdo
[ ] gato
[ ] venado
[ ] oveja
10. Mama GOAT and her baby!
[ ] cachorro
[ ] mono
[ ] conejito
[ ] cabra
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Animals In the Farmyard (Answers)
1. Does this little LAMB look lost?
[ ] oso
[x] cordero
[ ] mapache
[ ] gatito
The Spanish word for lamb is cordero. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The first answer is Spanish for bear. The third answer is Spanish for raccoon. The last answer is Spanish for kitten.
2. This here is a very beautiful mallard DUCK.
[ ] lobo
[ ] camello
[x] pato
[ ] foca
The Spanish word for duck is pato. The first answer is Spanish for wolf. The second answer is Spanish for camel. The last answer is Spanish for seal.
3. I’ve never met a COW that I didn’t like!
[x] vaca
[ ] perro
[ ] ratón
[ ] buey
The Spanish word for cow is vaca. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The second answer is Spanish for dog. The third answer is Spanish for mouse. The last answer is Spanish for ox.
4. A pond and GEESE just seem to go together!
[ ] mirlo
[ ] paloma
[x] gansos
[ ] gallina
The Spanish word for geese is gansos. The first answer is Spanish for blackbird. The second answer is Spanish for dove. The last answer is Spanish for hen.
5. Have you ever ridden on a HORSE?
[ ] colibrí
[ ] águila
[ ] mapache
[x] caballo
The Spanish word for horse is caballo. The first answer is Spanish for hummingbird. The second answer is Spanish for eagle. The third answer is Spanish for raccoon.
6. You don’t ever want to mess with a BULL.
[ ] yugo
[ ] pozo
[x] toro
[ ] granero
The Spanish word for bull is toro. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The first answer is Spanish for yoke. The second answer is Spanish for well. The last answer is Spanish for barn.
7. Baa, baa black (ah white) SHEEP have you any wool?
[ ] buey
[x] oveja
[ ] mula
[ ] caballo
The Spanish word for sheep is oveja. The first answer is Spanish for ox. The third answer is Spanish for mule. The last answer is Spanish for horse.
8. This CHICKEN walks boldly!
[ ] ganso
[ ] pavo
[ ] burro
[x] pollo
The Spanish word for chicken is pollo. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The first answer is Spanish for goose. The second answer is Spanish for turkey. The third answer is Spanish for donkey.
9. Have you ever tried to catch a greasy PIG?
[x] cerdo
[ ] gato
[ ] venado
[ ] oveja
The Spanish word for pig is cerdo. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The second answer is Spanish for cat. The third answer is Spanish for deer. The last answer is Spanish for sheep.
10. Mama GOAT and her baby!
[ ] cachorro
[ ] mono
[ ] conejito
[x] cabra
The Spanish word for goat is cabra. (This was learned in the Spanish Easy Review quiz series.) The first answer is Spanish for puppy. The second answer is Spanish for ape. The third answer is Spanish for bunny.