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Geography: Senior High School: 11th and 12th Grade Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Geography in Senior High School - Grades 11 and 12

As you progress in geography, you’ll get to learn more about the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how the world is managed by humans.

What are we doing about renewable and non-renewable resources? How do we stop mass-migration? What about the forests? How does a successful ecosystem actually work? All these and more will be taught in senior high school.

Quiz Title Options
Invasive Species Invasive Species Play
Landfill Landfill Play
Limestone and Chalk Features Limestone and Chalk Features Play
Management and Use of Coniferous Forests Management and Use of Coniferous Forests Play
Management and Use of Deciduous Forests Management and Use of Deciduous Forests Play
Managing Ecosystems Managing Ecosystems Play
Managing Volcanic Hazards Managing Volcanic Hazards Play

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