
Computing Quiz - The Internet (Questions)

This quiz addresses part of the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2 in Computing. Specifically it looks at the internet and summarises its main uses. It is one of 20 quizzes to help you find out about how computers work, and how they affect all our lives.

What are the main uses of the internet? Computers all round the world talk to one another. Lots and lots of information is stored on these computers. The internet lets you find things out in seconds. You can send emails and keep in touch with people all round the world. It can help you do your homework. It is used by people who do all sorts of different jobs. Here are ten questions to get you thinking about the main uses of the internet.

1. Computers all round the world are linked together. This network of computers is called the:
[ ] Database
[ ] BBC
[ ] ITV
[ ] Internet
2. What does www stand for?
[ ] World Wide Web
[ ] Whole World Wide
[ ] West World Web
[ ] Where When Why
3. This quiz is made by Education Quizzes. Their ___ address is: https://www.educationquizzes.com
[ ] Postal
[ ] Web
[ ] Postcode
[ ] Phone
4. Sam’s Mum is using the internet. She wants to find out what is on at the cinema. She says she will find out ______.
[ ] Offline
[ ] Online
[ ] Outline
[ ] Inline
5. Sam is at school. He wants to find out when the Battle of Hastings happened. He types Battle of Hastings and presses:
[ ] Delete
[ ] Forward
[ ] Search
[ ] Reply
6. Which one of these helps you to search the internet?
[ ] Word
[ ] Spreadsheet
[ ] Google
[ ] Email
7. Sam uses the internet to help him to:
[ ] Do his homework.
[ ] Play outside.
[ ] Eat his dinner.
[ ] Go to sleep.
8. You are on the Education Quizzes _______.
[ ] Table
[ ] Newspaper
[ ] Book
[ ] Website
9. Just like a book, the Education Quizzes website has different _____.
[ ] Songs
[ ] Walls
[ ] Pages
[ ] Stairs
10. Sam’s Mum is using her computer. But she says, “The internet has stopped working. The line must be ____.”
[ ] Up
[ ] Down
[ ] Cold
[ ] Hot

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is the internet?

Computing Quiz - The Internet (Answers)
1. Computers all round the world are linked together. This network of computers is called the:
[ ] Database
[ ] BBC
[ ] ITV
[x] Internet
Lots and lots of messages are sent between these computers all the time
2. What does www stand for?
[x] World Wide Web
[ ] Whole World Wide
[ ] West World Web
[ ] Where When Why
Sometimes people call the internet, the web
3. This quiz is made by Education Quizzes. Their ___ address is: https://www.educationquizzes.com
[ ] Postal
[x] Web
[ ] Postcode
[ ] Phone
Can you see the web address in the address bar of your computer?
4. Sam’s Mum is using the internet. She wants to find out what is on at the cinema. She says she will find out ______.
[ ] Offline
[x] Online
[ ] Outline
[ ] Inline
‘Going online’ is another way of saying ‘using the internet’
5. Sam is at school. He wants to find out when the Battle of Hastings happened. He types Battle of Hastings and presses:
[ ] Delete
[ ] Forward
[x] Search
[ ] Reply
In what year was the Battle of Hastings?
6. Which one of these helps you to search the internet?
[ ] Word
[ ] Spreadsheet
[x] Google
[ ] Email
Google is a search engine. There are other brands that help you do searches to find things out
7. Sam uses the internet to help him to:
[x] Do his homework.
[ ] Play outside.
[ ] Eat his dinner.
[ ] Go to sleep.
Have you ever used the internet to help you to do your homework?
8. You are on the Education Quizzes _______.
[ ] Table
[ ] Newspaper
[ ] Book
[x] Website
There are lots and lots of different websites on the internet
9. Just like a book, the Education Quizzes website has different _____.
[ ] Songs
[ ] Walls
[x] Pages
[ ] Stairs
The first page of a website is called the homepage
10. Sam’s Mum is using her computer. But she says, “The internet has stopped working. The line must be ____.”
[ ] Up
[x] Down
[ ] Cold
[ ] Hot
Sam’s Mum hopes the problem is fixed soon