
Spelling Quiz - Year 1 - The Sound ng (Questions)

This Sound ng spelling quiz helps KS1 children learn spellings that end with ‘ng’ – but not necessarily ‘ing’. The ‘ng’ sound can be quite difficult to say without letters before it but the sound comes from pushing the back of your tongue up and momentarily closing your throat.

The sound ‘ng’ is not easy to pronounce but luckily we don’t ever have to say ‘ng’ alone – it’s mostly at the end of a word and follows a vowel. See how good you are at spellings with the ‘ng’ sound.

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1. Spell the missing word: At the park I played on the ____.
[ ] swings
[ ] swengs
[ ] swigs
[ ] swigns
2. Spell the missing word: They are very ____.
[ ] stong
[ ] strong
[ ] strung
[ ] string
3. Spell the missing word: She loves to ____.
[ ] cing
[ ] sing
[ ] sin
[ ] sineg
4. Spell the missing word: This part of your body is called your ____.
[ ] longs
[ ] lings
[ ] lungs
[ ] loungs
5. Spell the missing word: How ____ are your intestines?
[ ] long
[ ] lung
[ ] loneg
[ ] lonng
6. Spell the missing word: Stop all that ____!
[ ] bangin
[ ] banging
[ ] baning
[ ] bangen
7. Spell the missing words: ____ has ____!
[ ] Spring and sprug
[ ] Spring and sprun
[ ] Sprin and sprung
[ ] Spring and sprung
8. Spell the missing word: That wasp just ____ me!
[ ] stun
[ ] stin
[ ] stung
[ ] stuing
9. Spell the missing word: I've lost that ____, can you see it anywhere?
[ ] fing
[ ] thing
[ ] thin
[ ] theng
10. Spell the missing word: He supports the ____ football team.
[ ] Egland
[ ] Engaland
[ ] England
[ ] Englend

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Spelling Quiz - Year 1 - The Sound ng (Answers)
1. Spell the missing word: At the park I played on the ____.
[x] swings
[ ] swengs
[ ] swigs
[ ] swigns
The letters 'ng' can follow any vowel - can you think of a word that ends in 'ng' for each vowel?
2. Spell the missing word: They are very ____.
[ ] stong
[x] strong
[ ] strung
[ ] string
String and strung are both real words but we are looking for the word that matches the sentence.
3. Spell the missing word: She loves to ____.
[ ] cing
[x] sing
[ ] sin
[ ] sineg
A band called The Beatles have sold the most songs in the whole world, followed by Elvis Presley.
4. Spell the missing word: This part of your body is called your ____.
[ ] longs
[ ] lings
[x] lungs
[ ] loungs
Everyone has two lungs and their job is to help us breathe.
5. Spell the missing word: How ____ are your intestines?
[x] long
[ ] lung
[ ] loneg
[ ] lonng
They are around twenty feet long, which is very long! Luckily they are all curled up inside our bodies or we'd be as tall as a giraffe!
6. Spell the missing word: Stop all that ____!
[ ] bangin
[x] banging
[ ] baning
[ ] bangen
The word banging has 'ng' twice!
7. Spell the missing words: ____ has ____!
[ ] Spring and sprug
[ ] Spring and sprun
[ ] Sprin and sprung
[x] Spring and sprung
Spring normally begins in March but we often say this when we see daffodils and flowers blooming.
8. Spell the missing word: That wasp just ____ me!
[ ] stun
[ ] stin
[x] stung
[ ] stuing
If you're stung by a wasp it will hurt but some people are allergic to them and can go into shock.
9. Spell the missing word: I've lost that ____, can you see it anywhere?
[ ] fing
[x] thing
[ ] thin
[ ] theng
When we can't remember the name we say 'thing' or 'thingy-me-jig' - not that it helps describe what we've lost!
10. Spell the missing word: He supports the ____ football team.
[ ] Egland
[ ] Engaland
[x] England
[ ] Englend
The red cross with a white background is the English flag. The British flag, or Union Jack, includes the English, Scottish and Irish flags.