
Spelling Quiz - Year 2 - Letters ei (Questions)

This 'Letters ei' spelling quiz will test KS1 children on this sound. It is an addition to the spellings learnt in the National Curriculum. This sound is pronounced ‘aye’ like in the number ‘eight.’

If you ever see 'ei' together, it’s pronounced as ‘aye’. These spellings are a little tricky, so try and sound out the letters or look for the word that looks familiar. See how many of these you know. Good luck!

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1. Santa took the ____.
[ ] rains
[ ] rayens
[ ] raynes
[ ] reins
2. All your ____ lead to your heart.
[ ] veins
[ ] viens
[ ] vanes
[ ] vains
3. May your king ____ for evermore!
[ ] reyn
[ ] reign
[ ] reen
[ ] raein
4. The number after seventeen is ____?
[ ] ayeteen
[ ] eiteen
[ ] eighteen
[ ] eigteen
5. Santa got on his ____.
[ ] saleigh
[ ] slleigh
[ ] sliegh
[ ] sleigh
6. How much do you ____?
[ ] reigh
[ ] weigh
[ ] wiegh
[ ] weih
7. Hello, I'm your new ____.
[ ] neighbour
[ ] neighbor
[ ] neghbour
[ ] nighbour
8. What ____ are you?
[ ] hite
[ ] hieght
[ ] heigh
[ ] height
9. Would you like ____ apples or bananas?
[ ] eiver
[ ] either
[ ] eiva
[ ] eitha
10. We call this a ____ train.
[ ] freighte
[ ] freigh
[ ] freiht
[ ] freight

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Spelling Quiz - Year 2 - Letters ei (Answers)
1. Santa took the ____.
[ ] rains
[ ] rayens
[ ] raynes
[x] reins
The 'ei' makes an 'aye' sound, so this word is said like this: r+ei+n+s.
2. All your ____ lead to your heart.
[x] veins
[ ] viens
[ ] vanes
[ ] vains
Veins carry blood to the heart.
3. May your king ____ for evermore!
[ ] reyn
[x] reign
[ ] reen
[ ] raein
These two letters (ei) are often followed by the letter 'g' and sometimes 'gh'.
4. The number after seventeen is ____?
[ ] ayeteen
[ ] eiteen
[x] eighteen
[ ] eigteen
If you can spell 'eight' you can spell eighteen, eighty and eightieth!
5. Santa got on his ____.
[ ] saleigh
[ ] slleigh
[ ] sliegh
[x] sleigh
A sleigh is what Santa drives and what the reindeers pull!
6. How much do you ____?
[ ] reigh
[x] weigh
[ ] wiegh
[ ] weih
You can say you weigh an amount and your weight is.... by just adding the 't'.
7. Hello, I'm your new ____.
[x] neighbour
[ ] neighbor
[ ] neghbour
[ ] nighbour
Your neighbour is the person next to you.
8. What ____ are you?
[ ] hite
[ ] hieght
[ ] heigh
[x] height
The height sign in the picture is for vans and if their van is too tall, they need to turn around and take a different route.
9. Would you like ____ apples or bananas?
[ ] eiver
[x] either
[ ] eiva
[ ] eitha
Although spelt with 'ei' you don't pronounce 'either' like 'aye-th er'; here the 'ei' makes an 'ee' sound.
10. We call this a ____ train.
[ ] freighte
[ ] freigh
[ ] freiht
[x] freight
Freight means cargo or things/goods that need transporting.