
Geography Quiz - Buildings - Parts of a School (Questions)

This quiz addresses part of the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2 in Geography. Specifically it looks at the different parts of, and rooms in and around, a school. It is one of 50 quizzes to help you understand the world around you.

In geography at school you find out about different places. One place you know a lot about is your school, or the school near where you live. Do you know the different parts there are in and around a school? Do you know all of the rooms? Can you find your way about inside a school and around the playground? This quiz is all about the different rooms and parts of Sam’s school.

1. Where does Sam have his lessons?
[ ] Classroom
[ ] Cloakroom
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Office
2. Sam’s school has a room with lockers. It also has hooks on the wall. Sam hangs his coat on one of the hooks. Which room is this?
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Office
[ ] Cloakroom
[ ] Library
3. Sam has to hand in a letter to the school secretary. Where does Sam need to go?
[ ] The hall
[ ] The kitchen
[ ] The playground
[ ] The office
4. On Thursday mornings all the school has an assembly. This is held in the:
[ ] Hall
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Office
5. The bell has gone. It’s breaktime. If it is fine, Sam goes outside into the:
[ ] Hall
[ ] Library
[ ] Playground
[ ] Dining Room
6. Sam’s school is quite big. School lunches are prepared in a _______.
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Gym
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Classroom
7. Sam has his lunch at school. He eats his lunch in a special room. It is called a:
[ ] Dining Room
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Gym
[ ] Greenhouse
8. Sam wants to find out about history. His teacher says he should read a book about the Normans. So Sam goes to the _______ to find the book.
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Cloakroom
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Library
9. On Wednesday mornings Sam’s class does P.E. Where do they do it?
[ ] In their classroom
[ ] In the hall
[ ] In the school office
[ ] In the library
10. Easy one!

Lots of cars come to Sam’s school. Teachers come to work in cars. Parents come in cars to pick up their children from school. Where are the cars parked?
[ ] On the football pitch
[ ] In the hall
[ ] On a car-park
[ ] In the office

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Fieldwork

Geography Quiz - Buildings - Parts of a School (Answers)
1. Where does Sam have his lessons?
[x] Classroom
[ ] Cloakroom
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Office
How many classrooms has your school?
2. Sam’s school has a room with lockers. It also has hooks on the wall. Sam hangs his coat on one of the hooks. Which room is this?
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Office
[x] Cloakroom
[ ] Library
Where do you hang your coat?
3. Sam has to hand in a letter to the school secretary. Where does Sam need to go?
[ ] The hall
[ ] The kitchen
[ ] The playground
[x] The office
How many people work in the office at your school?
4. On Thursday mornings all the school has an assembly. This is held in the:
[x] Hall
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Office
When do you have assemblies?
5. The bell has gone. It’s breaktime. If it is fine, Sam goes outside into the:
[ ] Hall
[ ] Library
[x] Playground
[ ] Dining Room
What games do you play at breaktime?
6. Sam’s school is quite big. School lunches are prepared in a _______.
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Gym
[x] Kitchen
[ ] Classroom
What do you like to eat at lunchtime?
7. Sam has his lunch at school. He eats his lunch in a special room. It is called a:
[x] Dining Room
[ ] Store-room
[ ] Gym
[ ] Greenhouse
Where do you eat your lunch?
8. Sam wants to find out about history. His teacher says he should read a book about the Normans. So Sam goes to the _______ to find the book.
[ ] Kitchen
[ ] Cloakroom
[ ] Store-room
[x] Library
Does your school have a library? What sort of books are in the library?
9. On Wednesday mornings Sam’s class does P.E. Where do they do it?
[ ] In their classroom
[x] In the hall
[ ] In the school office
[ ] In the library
Where do you do P.E.?
10. Easy one!

Lots of cars come to Sam’s school. Teachers come to work in cars. Parents come in cars to pick up their children from school. Where are the cars parked?
[ ] On the football pitch
[ ] In the hall
[x] On a car-park
[ ] In the office
Sometimes the car-park is not big enough and cars have to park in the street