
Science Quiz - Materials - Solids, Liquids And Gases (Questions)

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with materials and solids, liquids and gases.

You have learned a lot about different materials. But materials are not just solid things. Liquids like water are also materials. Gases like air are also materials. You can divide up materials into solids, liquids and gases. But water can change from one to the other. Water freezes to make ice. Water boils to make steam. Let’s find out a little bit more about solids, liquids and gases.

1. Which one of these is a solid?
[ ] The air
[ ] The wood of the boat
[ ] The water
[ ] None of these
2. Mira is pouring a fizzy drink out of a can. Which one of these is a liquid?
[ ] The metal can
[ ] The drink
[ ] The bubbles
[ ] The air
3. The picture shows two hot-air balloons. Which one of these is a gas?
[ ] The air inside the balloons
[ ] The metal of the cars
[ ] The wood of the trees
[ ] The fabric of the balloons
4. When water gets very cold, it freezes. It turns into ice. Which one of these is a solid?
[ ] Water
[ ] Raindrops
[ ] Ice
[ ] Lemonade
5. When snow melts it turns into ____.
[ ] Ice
[ ] Water
[ ] Air
[ ] Cotton wool
6. Some solids are not very hard. Butter is a soft material. Adam takes the butter out of the fridge and puts it into a warm room. What happens to the butter? The butter in the warm room is ______.
[ ] Frozen
[ ] Ice
[ ] Softer
[ ] Harder
7. When water boils it turns into steam. Which one of these is a gas?
[ ] The steam
[ ] The water
[ ] The plastic of the kettle
[ ] The metal in the wires
8. Grace's mum is blowing up a balloon. The balloon is:
[ ] A solid inside a liquid
[ ] A gas inside a solid
[ ] A liquid inside a gas
[ ] A gas inside a liquid
9. Emily is watering the plants in the garden. What is Emily pouring onto the plants?
[ ] A gas
[ ] A liquid
[ ] A solid
[ ] Lemonade
10. Hannah is stirring a drink with a spoon. The spoon is a _____.
[ ] Solid
[ ] Liquid
[ ] Gas
[ ] Fluid

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize – Solids, liquids and gases

Science Quiz - Materials - Solids, Liquids And Gases (Answers)
1. Which one of these is a solid?
[ ] The air
[x] The wood of the boat
[ ] The water
[ ] None of these
Have you ever been in a rowing boat?
2. Mira is pouring a fizzy drink out of a can. Which one of these is a liquid?
[ ] The metal can
[x] The drink
[ ] The bubbles
[ ] The air
The bubbles are bubbles of air
3. The picture shows two hot-air balloons. Which one of these is a gas?
[x] The air inside the balloons
[ ] The metal of the cars
[ ] The wood of the trees
[ ] The fabric of the balloons
Hot air rises. That’s how hot-air balloons float up into the sky
4. When water gets very cold, it freezes. It turns into ice. Which one of these is a solid?
[ ] Water
[ ] Raindrops
[x] Ice
[ ] Lemonade
Water freezes at 0oC (centigrade)
5. When snow melts it turns into ____.
[ ] Ice
[x] Water
[ ] Air
[ ] Cotton wool
Melting is when solids turn into liquids
6. Some solids are not very hard. Butter is a soft material. Adam takes the butter out of the fridge and puts it into a warm room. What happens to the butter? The butter in the warm room is ______.
[ ] Frozen
[ ] Ice
[x] Softer
[ ] Harder
Do you use butter or do you use a spread?
7. When water boils it turns into steam. Which one of these is a gas?
[x] The steam
[ ] The water
[ ] The plastic of the kettle
[ ] The metal in the wires
Be careful. Boiling water is very dangerous. Always leave kettles and pans to adults
8. Grace's mum is blowing up a balloon. The balloon is:
[ ] A solid inside a liquid
[x] A gas inside a solid
[ ] A liquid inside a gas
[ ] A gas inside a liquid
Why is it so hard to blow up a balloon?
9. Emily is watering the plants in the garden. What is Emily pouring onto the plants?
[ ] A gas
[x] A liquid
[ ] A solid
[ ] Lemonade
Emily is using a watering-can
10. Hannah is stirring a drink with a spoon. The spoon is a _____.
[x] Solid
[ ] Liquid
[ ] Gas
[ ] Fluid
What do you like to drink?