
Science Quiz - Plants - Flowers (Questions)

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with the parts of a flower and plant reproduction.

In school, you have found out about plants and their parts. Lots of plants have colourful flowers as one of their parts. The flowers are used to reproduce. They make seeds. New plants can grow from the seeds. Then those new plants have flowers too. Do you know why many flowers are brightly coloured? Let’s find out more about flowers and plant reproduction.

1. This flower has blue ______.
[ ] Stems
[ ] Roots
[ ] Branches
[ ] Petals
2. Bees love flowers. What attracts bees to flowers?
[ ] Sound
[ ] Music
[ ] Buzzing
[ ] Colour and scent
3. What powder do flowers make?
[ ] Flour
[ ] Chalk
[ ] Dust
[ ] Pollen
4. What carries the pollen from flower to flower?
[ ] Rain
[ ] Sunshine
[ ] Bees
[ ] Cars
5. Bees get food from flowers. What do bees make?
[ ] Jam
[ ] Honey
[ ] Bread
[ ] Sweets
6. This is the life story of a plant. What is the missing word?

Plant → Flower → Pollen →    ?    → New Plant
[ ] Petal
[ ] Seed
[ ] Soil
[ ] Leaf
7. Dandelions grow everywhere. How do dandelion seeds get from one pace to another?
[ ] By car
[ ] By bus
[ ] Pulled by a magnet
[ ] Blown by the wind
8. Flowers often grow above the plant. The flowers grow on a long _____.
[ ] Root
[ ] Trunk
[ ] Stick
[ ] Stalk
9. Bees love flowers. What other minibeasts like flowers?
[ ] Spiders
[ ] Beetles
[ ] Caterpillars
[ ] Butterflies
10. What is carried from flower to flower?
[ ] Seeds
[ ] Petals
[ ] Pollen
[ ] Water

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - The lifecycle of a plant

Science Quiz - Plants - Flowers (Answers)
1. This flower has blue ______.
[ ] Stems
[ ] Roots
[ ] Branches
[x] Petals
Petals make flowers attractive
2. Bees love flowers. What attracts bees to flowers?
[ ] Sound
[ ] Music
[ ] Buzzing
[x] Colour and scent
The bees buzz. But they head for colourful flowers. Bees also like the scent of flowers. Which flowers smell nice? - Roses!
3. What powder do flowers make?
[ ] Flour
[ ] Chalk
[ ] Dust
[x] Pollen
Pollen makes some people sneeze. They have hay fever
4. What carries the pollen from flower to flower?
[ ] Rain
[ ] Sunshine
[x] Bees
[ ] Cars
The pollen sticks to the bees. They fly off and land on another flower
5. Bees get food from flowers. What do bees make?
[ ] Jam
[x] Honey
[ ] Bread
[ ] Sweets
Bears love honey. Do you like honey?
6. This is the life story of a plant. What is the missing word?

Plant → Flower → Pollen →    ?    → New Plant
[ ] Petal
[x] Seed
[ ] Soil
[ ] Leaf
New plants grow from seeds
7. Dandelions grow everywhere. How do dandelion seeds get from one pace to another?
[ ] By car
[ ] By bus
[ ] Pulled by a magnet
[x] Blown by the wind
Do you like blowing dandelions?
8. Flowers often grow above the plant. The flowers grow on a long _____.
[ ] Root
[ ] Trunk
[ ] Stick
[x] Stalk
The bees can see the flowers easily
9. Bees love flowers. What other minibeasts like flowers?
[ ] Spiders
[ ] Beetles
[ ] Caterpillars
[x] Butterflies
Caterpillars turn into butterflies. But it is the butterfly that likes flowers
10. What is carried from flower to flower?
[ ] Seeds
[ ] Petals
[x] Pollen
[ ] Water
Pollen is the yellow powder carried by bees