
Spelling: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - The End Sound ll (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'The End Sound ll' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is a fun way to learn if you are in the 1st or 2nd grade - aged 6 to 8.

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The End Sound ll is a quiz that informs elementary school children of the rules and spellings of words that end in ‘ll’.

If a word ends in a ‘l’ sound, it is most likely going to be written like this: ‘ll’. If the vowel sound in the word is what we call a short sound, then the next letters will be doubled. Test your knowledge on these spellings.

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1. Why do we have 'll' at the end of the word 'well'?
[ ] Because the word begins with a 'w'.
[ ] Because the 'e' is a short vowel sound.
[ ] Because the 'e' is a long vowel sound.
[ ] Because there is a vowel in the word.
2. Spell the missing word: Please ring the ____.
[ ] bel
[ ] bell
[ ] beel
[ ] beell
3. Spell the missing word: Give it your ____!
[ ] aul
[ ] awll
[ ] al
[ ] all
4. Spell the missing word: Mind the gap, you might ____.
[ ] fal
[ ] fawl
[ ] fawll
[ ] fall
5. Spell the missing word: If you need any help, just ____.
[ ] call
[ ] cal
[ ] cawl
[ ] cawll
6. Spell the missing word: That building is very ____.
[ ] tal
[ ] tale
[ ] tlall
[ ] tall
7. Spell the missing word: This is a picture of The Great ____ of China.
[ ] Woll
[ ] Wull
[ ] Wall
[ ] Wal
8. Spell the missing word: How much is that ____?
[ ] beall
[ ] beell
[ ] bill
[ ] bile
9. Spell the missing word: That is one angry ____.
[ ] ball
[ ] bull
[ ] bill
[ ] balll
10. Spell the missing word: This is my new ____.
[ ] hall
[ ] hawl
[ ] hael
[ ] hayl
Spelling: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - The End Sound ll (Answers)
1. Why do we have 'll' at the end of the word 'well'?
[ ] Because the word begins with a 'w'.
[x] Because the 'e' is a short vowel sound.
[ ] Because the 'e' is a long vowel sound.
[ ] Because there is a vowel in the word.
The 'e' makes a short sound compared to the word 'wheel' where the 'ee' makes a long vowel sound. That is why the word wheel only has one 'l' at the end of the word.
2. Spell the missing word: Please ring the ____.
[ ] bel
[x] bell
[ ] beel
[ ] beell
A bell that is low or deep in sound is often the heaviest of all the bells and is called a tenor.
3. Spell the missing word: Give it your ____!
[ ] aul
[ ] awll
[ ] al
[x] all
This is what we say to someone to show our support and encouragement.
4. Spell the missing word: Mind the gap, you might ____.
[ ] fal
[ ] fawl
[ ] fawll
[x] fall
If you run up mountains, you are participating in an activity called fell running. (Fell also has a double 'll'.)
5. Spell the missing word: If you need any help, just ____.
[x] call
[ ] cal
[ ] cawl
[ ] cawll
Did you know the most common way to break a cell phone is by dropping it down the toilet!
6. Spell the missing word: That building is very ____.
[ ] tal
[ ] tale
[ ] tlall
[x] tall
The tallest building in the world is called The Burj Khalifa and is in Dubai.
7. Spell the missing word: This is a picture of The Great ____ of China.
[ ] Woll
[ ] Wull
[x] Wall
[ ] Wal
Many people visit China to see the Great Wall.
8. Spell the missing word: How much is that ____?
[ ] beall
[ ] beell
[x] bill
[ ] bile
A bill tells you the cost of something. The word Bill is also a name!
9. Spell the missing word: That is one angry ____.
[ ] ball
[x] bull
[ ] bill
[ ] balll
Bulls don't get angry at the sight of red; it's actually the movement caused by the cape.
10. Spell the missing word: This is my new ____.
[x] hall
[ ] hawl
[ ] hael
[ ] hayl
The hall or hallway is the part of a house that leads to the other rooms.