
Computer Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Computers For Communication (Questions)

This Computer Science quiz is called 'Computers For Communication' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Communication means keeping in touch. Computers help us keep in touch. They also help us work together. This quiz helps you find out a little bit more about how computers and gadgets help us round the world. They make life easier. From phones to email, social media and Skype, computers let us communicate.

1. Which one of these words means ‘keeping in touch’?
[ ] Complete
[ ] Company
[ ] Communication
[ ] Complain
2. What is the word 'phone short for?
[ ] Television
[ ] Computer
[ ] Telephone
[ ] Printer
3. Sasha talks to his cousin in Canada. Sasha can see and hear his cousin. Which one of these services lets you talk to people and see them at the same time?
[ ] Text
[ ] Email
[ ] Skype
[ ] Word
4. What is a text?
[ ] A long story.
[ ] A history book.
[ ] A short message.
[ ] A very long message.
5. Luke’s Mom works in a busy office. She sends an email with a file added to it. The file is:
[ ] A text.
[ ] An attachment.
[ ] A reply.
[ ] A signature.
6. Luke’s Mom gets a reply to her email. She sends the reply on to her boss. What does she press to send the email on?
[ ] Forward
[ ] Delete
[ ] Attach
[ ] Scroll
7. Sam’s older sister uses Facebook to keep in touch with her friends. Facebook is a type of:
[ ] Word processor
[ ] Social media
[ ] Database
[ ] Spreadsheet
8. Computers help us to share our work. They help us to work together. Which one of these words means ‘to work together’?
[ ] Complain
[ ] Cooperate
[ ] Argue
[ ] Fall out
9. Sasha wants to send an email to his cousin in Canada. What does Sasha need to know?
[ ] The town his cousin lives in.
[ ] The street his cousin lives on.
[ ] How old his cousin is.
[ ] His cousin’s email address.
10. Sasha writes an email to his cousin in Canada. How long will it take for the email to get to Canada?
[ ] Years
[ ] Months
[ ] Days
[ ] Seconds
Computer Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Computers For Communication (Answers)
1. Which one of these words means ‘keeping in touch’?
[ ] Complete
[ ] Company
[x] Communication
[ ] Complain
Talking, texting and sharing files are all types of communications
2. What is the word 'phone short for?
[ ] Television
[ ] Computer
[x] Telephone
[ ] Printer
Mobile 'phones are telephones you can carry about
3. Sasha talks to his cousin in Canada. Sasha can see and hear his cousin. Which one of these services lets you talk to people and see them at the same time?
[ ] Text
[ ] Email
[x] Skype
[ ] Word
Skype is one brand that lets you do this - there are others
4. What is a text?
[ ] A long story.
[ ] A history book.
[x] A short message.
[ ] A very long message.
Twitter is the best-known text service
5. Luke’s Mom works in a busy office. She sends an email with a file added to it. The file is:
[ ] A text.
[x] An attachment.
[ ] A reply.
[ ] A signature.
Can you attach a file to an email?
6. Luke’s Mom gets a reply to her email. She sends the reply on to her boss. What does she press to send the email on?
[x] Forward
[ ] Delete
[ ] Attach
[ ] Scroll
Can you reply to emails? Can you forward an email to someone else?
7. Sam’s older sister uses Facebook to keep in touch with her friends. Facebook is a type of:
[ ] Word processor
[x] Social media
[ ] Database
[ ] Spreadsheet
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are all types of social media
8. Computers help us to share our work. They help us to work together. Which one of these words means ‘to work together’?
[ ] Complain
[x] Cooperate
[ ] Argue
[ ] Fall out
Who do you work with at school?
9. Sasha wants to send an email to his cousin in Canada. What does Sasha need to know?
[ ] The town his cousin lives in.
[ ] The street his cousin lives on.
[ ] How old his cousin is.
[x] His cousin’s email address.
Sasha can add his cousin’s email address to his address-book
10. Sasha writes an email to his cousin in Canada. How long will it take for the email to get to Canada?
[ ] Years
[ ] Months
[ ] Days
[x] Seconds
Emails and messages travel very quickly