
Computer Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Storing Information (Questions)

This Computer Science quiz is called 'Storing Information' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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A library stores lots of information. A lot of it is stored in books. Computers can store lots and lots of information. They can store words, numbers, pictures, videos and sounds. If information is not stored, it is lost. Computers store information in special code. Tiny pieces of code are called bits. Rather bigger pieces of code are called bytes. Usually, there are 8 bits in a byte. The information is stored in storage devices.

1. What do computers store so they can work?
[ ] Food
[ ] Money
[ ] Toys
[ ] Information
2. Computers store information in a special code. The smallest piece of this code is called a ___.
[ ] Bug
[ ] Bit
[ ] Byte
[ ] Bite
3. A piece of information bigger than a bit is called a ____.
[ ] Bug
[ ] Byte
[ ] Bed
[ ] Big
4. How many bits are there in a byte usually?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 4
[ ] 8
5. Inside a computer, a lot of information is stored on a:
[ ] Table
[ ] Shelf
[ ] Floor
[ ] Hard Drive
6. Information can be put onto a ___ stick.
[ ] USB
[ ] CAD
[ ] USA
[ ] CDU
7. Music, songs, films and videos can be stored on disks. These disks are called CDs and ____.
[ ] CADs
[ ] USAs
[ ] DVDs
[ ] OXOs
8. A lot of information is stored on the internet. This is called _____ computing.
[ ] Rain
[ ] Cloud
[ ] Snow
[ ] Frost
9. Anna has finished writing a story on a computer. What must she do to keep her story?
[ ] Save
[ ] Delete
[ ] Run
[ ] Debug
10. There are lots of other ways to store information. Which one of these is a good way to store information?
[ ] Put it in a bin
[ ] Write it in a book
[ ] Throw it away
[ ] Forget about it
Computer Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Storing Information (Answers)
1. What do computers store so they can work?
[ ] Food
[ ] Money
[ ] Toys
[x] Information
What sort of information do computers store?
2. Computers store information in a special code. The smallest piece of this code is called a ___.
[ ] Bug
[x] Bit
[ ] Byte
[ ] Bite
A bit is like a single letter of the alphabet in a very long story
3. A piece of information bigger than a bit is called a ____.
[ ] Bug
[x] Byte
[ ] Bed
[ ] Big
It sounds like the word bite, but it is spelled differently
4. How many bits are there in a byte usually?
[ ] 1
[ ] 2
[ ] 4
[x] 8
How many letters are there in the word byte?
5. Inside a computer, a lot of information is stored on a:
[ ] Table
[ ] Shelf
[ ] Floor
[x] Hard Drive
A hard drive is a metal disk inside the computer
6. Information can be put onto a ___ stick.
[x] USB
[ ] CAD
[ ] USA
[ ] CDU
USB sticks are sometimes called memory sticks, USB pens, or pen-drives
7. Music, songs, films and videos can be stored on disks. These disks are called CDs and ____.
[ ] CADs
[ ] USAs
[x] DVDs
[ ] OXOs
DVDs can be used with televisions
8. A lot of information is stored on the internet. This is called _____ computing.
[ ] Rain
[x] Cloud
[ ] Snow
[ ] Frost
This information is kept on really big computers in different countries
9. Anna has finished writing a story on a computer. What must she do to keep her story?
[x] Save
[ ] Delete
[ ] Run
[ ] Debug
Don’t forget to save your work!
10. There are lots of other ways to store information. Which one of these is a good way to store information?
[ ] Put it in a bin
[x] Write it in a book
[ ] Throw it away
[ ] Forget about it
Computers mean you can share information easily. But writing things down is still a good thing to do