
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Affixes (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Affixes' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Many new words can be learned based on affixes. Affixes are prefixes and suffixes that have certain meanings. They are added onto words. Then students can figure out the new words based on these affixes. In this quiz, the students will determine the definition of the words.

1. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Wrongly common
[ ] Not common
[ ] Before being common
[ ] Can be common
2. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To arrange in advance
[ ] To not arrange something
[ ] Someone who arranges things
[ ] To wrongly arrange something
3. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Opposite of cure
[ ] A person who cures
[ ] Wrongly cured
[ ] Can be cured
4. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To be ordered in advance
[ ] Can be ordered
[ ] Opposite of order
[ ] Someone who orders things
5. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Without breath
[ ] To breathe in advance
[ ] A person who breathes
[ ] Can breathe
6. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To be afraid beforehand
[ ] To not be afraid
[ ] Is capable of being afraid
[ ] Someone who is afraid
7. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Not school
[ ] Without school
[ ] Learning before school
[ ] Can go to school
8. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Can be believed
[ ] Not believe
[ ] Without being believed
[ ] Opposite of believe
9. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To trust in advance
[ ] Very trustworthy
[ ] Opposite of trust
[ ] A person who trusts
10. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Wrongly worth something
[ ] Can be worth something
[ ] Something that is worth a lot
[ ] Without worth
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Affixes (Answers)
1. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Wrongly common
[x] Not common
[ ] Before being common
[ ] Can be common
Un means not, so uncommon means not common.
2. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[x] To arrange in advance
[ ] To not arrange something
[ ] Someone who arranges things
[ ] To wrongly arrange something
Prearrange means to arrange something in advance.
3. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Opposite of cure
[ ] A person who cures
[ ] Wrongly cured
[x] Can be cured
If something is curable, that means it can be cured.
4. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To be ordered in advance
[ ] Can be ordered
[x] Opposite of order
[ ] Someone who orders things
Disorder means something that is not in order.
5. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[x] Without breath
[ ] To breathe in advance
[ ] A person who breathes
[ ] Can breathe
Less means without, so breathless means without breath.
6. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To be afraid beforehand
[x] To not be afraid
[ ] Is capable of being afraid
[ ] Someone who is afraid
Un means not, so unafraid means not to be afraid.
7. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Not school
[ ] Without school
[x] Learning before school
[ ] Can go to school
Pre means before, so preschool is learning that happens before going to school.
8. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[x] Can be believed
[ ] Not believe
[ ] Without being believed
[ ] Opposite of believe
Believable is something that can be believed.
9. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] To trust in advance
[ ] Very trustworthy
[x] Opposite of trust
[ ] A person who trusts
Distrust is the opposite of trust.
10. What does the word below mean? Use what you know about the prefixes and suffixes.
[ ] Wrongly worth something
[ ] Can be worth something
[ ] Something that is worth a lot
[x] Without worth
Worthless is to be without worth.