
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Context for Word Meaning (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Context for Word Meaning' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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There are many times when students are reading materials and they come across an unknown word. One way to figure out the meaning of the word is to look it up in a dictionary. Another way is to use the context clues. There are usually clues in the sentence to help students figure out the meaning of the unknown word. In this quiz, the students will choose the definition of the unknown word.

1. Read the sentence.
The elderly FEEBLE woman needed help crossing the road.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Weak
[ ] Brave
[ ] Athletic
[ ] Confused
2. Read the sentence.
My mom served a HEARTY meal of steak, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, green beans and chocolate cake.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Having a hot temperature
[ ] Scary
[ ] Delicious
[ ] Large amount
3. Read the sentence.
After playing two soccer games, I was SLUGGISH when walking home.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Angry
[ ] Moving excitedly
[ ] Moving slowly
[ ] Unsure
4. Read the sentence.
While skiing on the mountain, an AVALANCHE buried the trees in the snow.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized words?
[ ] A large storm
[ ] A vacation
[ ] A fun sport
[ ] A long time
5. Read the sentence.
Queens and kings REIGN over their kingdoms until their deaths.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] To yell
[ ] To rule
[ ] To learn
[ ] To understand
6. Read the sentence.
My grades were on the DECLINE after I failed a few tests.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] To go up
[ ] To go down
[ ] To stay the same
[ ] To move both up and down
7. Read the sentence.
Several pets PERISHED in the fire because they could not be saved.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Died
[ ] Lived
[ ] Helped
[ ] Acted strangely
8. Read the sentence.
When the police officer told the man to stop, the man would COMPLY.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Study
[ ] Think about it
[ ] Fight against
[ ] Follow his order
9. Read the sentence.
Typewriters and public pay phones are OBSOLETE.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Popular
[ ] No longer used
[ ] Interesting
[ ] New inventions
10. Read the sentence.
The bully would TAUNT his victims with mean words.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Make to feel better
[ ] Tease
[ ] Help
[ ] Ask
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Context for Word Meaning (Answers)
1. Read the sentence.
The elderly FEEBLE woman needed help crossing the road.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[x] Weak
[ ] Brave
[ ] Athletic
[ ] Confused
Since the woman is elderly, she is probably weak too.
2. Read the sentence.
My mom served a HEARTY meal of steak, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, green beans and chocolate cake.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Having a hot temperature
[ ] Scary
[ ] Delicious
[x] Large amount
The meal consists of many things so it would be a large amount.
3. Read the sentence.
After playing two soccer games, I was SLUGGISH when walking home.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Angry
[ ] Moving excitedly
[x] Moving slowly
[ ] Unsure
If someone played two soccer games, they would be tired and moving slowly.
4. Read the sentence.
While skiing on the mountain, an AVALANCHE buried the trees in the snow.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized words?
[x] A large storm
[ ] A vacation
[ ] A fun sport
[ ] A long time
An avalanche is a large snowy storm that usually covers things with snow.
5. Read the sentence.
Queens and kings REIGN over their kingdoms until their deaths.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] To yell
[x] To rule
[ ] To learn
[ ] To understand
Queens and kings rule their kingdoms.
6. Read the sentence.
My grades were on the DECLINE after I failed a few tests.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] To go up
[x] To go down
[ ] To stay the same
[ ] To move both up and down
Grades would go down if a few tests were failed.
7. Read the sentence.
Several pets PERISHED in the fire because they could not be saved.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[x] Died
[ ] Lived
[ ] Helped
[ ] Acted strangely
Since they could not be saved, they died.
8. Read the sentence.
When the police officer told the man to stop, the man would COMPLY.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Study
[ ] Think about it
[ ] Fight against
[x] Follow his order
When you comply, you follow the order.
9. Read the sentence.
Typewriters and public pay phones are OBSOLETE.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Popular
[x] No longer used
[ ] Interesting
[ ] New inventions
Obsolete items are out of date.
10. Read the sentence.
The bully would TAUNT his victims with mean words.
Use the context clues. What is the meaning of the capitalized word?
[ ] Make to feel better
[x] Tease
[ ] Help
[ ] Ask
When a bully taunts someone, he or she teases them.