
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Verbs (Simple Tenses) (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Verbs (Simple Tenses)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Using the correct verb tense is important for students to learn. In the third grade, students need to be prepared to use present, past and future tense verbs. Most of the time, the verbs can be formed using certain rules. However, there are always exceptions to the rules. In this quiz, the student will form the correct tense of a verb and they will choose the correct tense for a sentence.

1. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[ ] baked
[ ] bakes
[ ] will bake
[ ] baking
2. What is the future tense of the verb below?
[ ] will mop
[ ] mops
[ ] mopped
[ ] mopping
3. What is the present tense of the verb below?
[ ] will fold
[ ] folds
[ ] shall fold
[ ] folded
4. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[ ] will hop
[ ] hopping
[ ] hops
[ ] hopped
5. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[ ] builded
[ ] built
[ ] building
[ ] will build
6. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Yesterday, the children ____ their mother into the house.
[ ] follows
[ ] followed
[ ] will follow
[ ] following
7. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Tonight, I ____ my bedroom.
[ ] cleans
[ ] cleant
[ ] will clean
[ ] cleaning
8. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Right now, the basketball players ____ the ball.
[ ] bounce
[ ] will bounce
[ ] bounced
[ ] bouncing
9. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Last week, the boy ____ the newspaper into my yard.
[ ] throws
[ ] will throw
[ ] throwed
[ ] threw
10. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Mary ____ the walls next Monday.
[ ] will paint
[ ] painted
[ ] paints
[ ] painting
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 3 Language - Verbs (Simple Tenses) (Answers)
1. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[x] baked
[ ] bakes
[ ] will bake
[ ] baking
Most past tense verbs end in "ed."
2. What is the future tense of the verb below?
[x] will mop
[ ] mops
[ ] mopped
[ ] mopping
Future tense verbs begin with "will" or "shall."
3. What is the present tense of the verb below?
[ ] will fold
[x] folds
[ ] shall fold
[ ] folded
The present tense of the word "fold" is "folds."
4. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[ ] will hop
[ ] hopping
[ ] hops
[x] hopped
The correct past tense of the verb "hop" is "hopped."
5. What is the past tense of the verb below?
[ ] builded
[x] built
[ ] building
[ ] will build
Build has an irregular form of the past tense.
6. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Yesterday, the children ____ their mother into the house.
[ ] follows
[x] followed
[ ] will follow
[ ] following
This sentence happened in the past, so the verb should be "followed."
7. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Tonight, I ____ my bedroom.
[ ] cleans
[ ] cleant
[x] will clean
[ ] cleaning
This action will happen in the future.
8. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Right now, the basketball players ____ the ball.
[x] bounce
[ ] will bounce
[ ] bounced
[ ] bouncing
This sentence is taking place in the present.
9. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Last week, the boy ____ the newspaper into my yard.
[ ] throws
[ ] will throw
[ ] throwed
[x] threw
This sentence took place in the past.
10. Choose the verb that best fits into the sentence below based on its tense.
Mary ____ the walls next Monday.
[x] will paint
[ ] painted
[ ] paints
[ ] painting
This sentence is taking place in the future.