
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Adverbs 2 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Adverbs 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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A verb is a word that involves action and an adverb is how the action is happening. ‘She sang loudly’ - the verb is ‘sang’ and how she is singing is ‘loudly,’ which is the adverb.

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1. Which of these words is not an adverb?
[ ] noisily
[ ] loudly
[ ] headphones
[ ] angrily
2. Which word is not an adverb?
[ ] heavily
[ ] weights
[ ] easily
[ ] luckily
3. Why do we use adverbs?
[ ] To make our writing more interesting and add to the verb.
[ ] To fill our page with writing.
[ ] To help us learn to spell.
[ ] To make a noun sound more interesting.
4. 'The flames spread quickly.' Which word is an adverb?
[ ] flames
[ ] quickly
[ ] spread
[ ] The
5. 'The airplane landed safely.' Which word is an adverb?
[ ] The
[ ] aeroplane
[ ] landed
[ ] safely
6. 'The young mother looked proudly at her baby.' Which words are the verb and adverb?
[ ] The young
[ ] mother looked
[ ] looked proudly
[ ] her baby
7. 'The snail crept slowly along the garden path.' Which words are the verb and adverb?
[ ] snail crept
[ ] crept slowly
[ ] slowly along
[ ] garden path
8. Finish this sentence: He wrote the letter very...
[ ] letter.
[ ] neatly.
[ ] house.
[ ] loudly.
9. Finish this sentence: The boys were working...
[ ] busily.
[ ] when.
[ ] the.
[ ] apple.
10. 'The old man nodded...' Which adverb could not follow?
[ ] sleepily.
[ ] slowly.
[ ] angrily.
[ ] loudly.
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Adverbs 2 (Answers)
1. Which of these words is not an adverb?
[ ] noisily
[ ] loudly
[x] headphones
[ ] angrily
Many adverbs end in 'ly'.
2. Which word is not an adverb?
[ ] heavily
[x] weights
[ ] easily
[ ] luckily
An adverb adds to and describes a verb.
3. Why do we use adverbs?
[x] To make our writing more interesting and add to the verb.
[ ] To fill our page with writing.
[ ] To help us learn to spell.
[ ] To make a noun sound more interesting.
When we write, we want to interest the reader. By adding description to our verbs, we are making our stories more enjoyable.
4. 'The flames spread quickly.' Which word is an adverb?
[ ] flames
[x] quickly
[ ] spread
[ ] The
It is important that every house has a fire alarm and that the owners check it regularly.
5. 'The airplane landed safely.' Which word is an adverb?
[ ] The
[ ] aeroplane
[ ] landed
[x] safely
The English way to spell airplane is like this but in America they write 'airplane'.
6. 'The young mother looked proudly at her baby.' Which words are the verb and adverb?
[ ] The young
[ ] mother looked
[x] looked proudly
[ ] her baby
Try to write the verb then the adverb when possible.
7. 'The snail crept slowly along the garden path.' Which words are the verb and adverb?
[ ] snail crept
[x] crept slowly
[ ] slowly along
[ ] garden path
You will often see snails in the garden after rain.
8. Finish this sentence: He wrote the letter very...
[ ] letter.
[x] neatly.
[ ] house.
[ ] loudly.
Make sure the adverb you use makes sense.
9. Finish this sentence: The boys were working...
[x] busily.
[ ] when.
[ ] the.
[ ] apple.
There are lots of adverbs to choose from, so make sure you add them in your writing.
10. 'The old man nodded...' Which adverb could not follow?
[ ] sleepily.
[ ] slowly.
[ ] angrily.
[x] loudly.
Every sentence you write has the potential to include an adverb.