
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Modal Auxiliaries (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Modal Auxiliaries' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Modal auxiliaries include helping verbs. In 4th grade, these verbs include can, may, must and might. Each helping verb means something different in regard to the extent to which something is done. Students should be aware which helping verbs should be used in certain situations. In this quiz, students will determine which helping verb fits into the sentence.

1. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Sarah ____ do her chores in order to get her money.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
2. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Since the young boy used a stack of books, he ____ now reach the top shelf.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
3. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
I ____ go through the blue door or maybe the red door.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
4. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
The little boy asks, “____ I have this candy?”
[ ] Can
[ ] May
[ ] Must
[ ] Might
5. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
I ____ make it to the top of the mountain, but I’m not sure.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
6. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Tommy ____ win the race if he practices a lot.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
7. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
My mother ____ buy milk now to have cereal tomorrow.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
8. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Students ____ do their homework to get a good grade at school.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
9. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
“You ____ have this dress, Angela if you want it,” Angela’s mother said to her.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
10. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Billy ____ ride a bike because he has had lots of practice.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Modal Auxiliaries (Answers)
1. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Sarah ____ do her chores in order to get her money.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[x] must
[ ] might
This is an event that Sarah has to do, so "must" fits best in the blank.
2. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Since the young boy used a stack of books, he ____ now reach the top shelf.
[x] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
"Can" is used to explain whether the boy will be able to reach the books or not and he can reach the books.
3. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
I ____ go through the blue door or maybe the red door.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[x] might
This is a situation where the person isn't sure what he is going to do.
4. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
The little boy asks, “____ I have this candy?”
[ ] Can
[x] May
[ ] Must
[ ] Might
This is situation involves asking permission, so "may" should be used.
5. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
I ____ make it to the top of the mountain, but I’m not sure.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[x] might
This person isn't sure whether she can make it to the top of the mountain or not, so "might" should be used.
6. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Tommy ____ win the race if he practices a lot.
[x] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
"Can" is used to show ability.
7. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
My mother ____ buy milk now to have cereal tomorrow.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[x] must
[ ] might
This is something that has to happen in order for people to eat cereal for breakfast tomorrow.
8. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Students ____ do their homework to get a good grade at school.
[ ] can
[ ] may
[x] must
[ ] might
Homework has to get done or a student will not get a good grade, so "must" should be used.
9. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
“You ____ have this dress, Angela if you want it,” Angela’s mother said to her.
[ ] can
[x] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
This is a situation that is asking for or allowing permission.
10. Which word fits into the blank of the sentence below?
Billy ____ ride a bike because he has had lots of practice.
[x] can
[ ] may
[ ] must
[ ] might
This situation is about a boy who has the ability to do something.