
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Negatives, Antonyms and Synonyms (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Negatives, Antonyms and Synonyms' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Negative expressions are the opposite of affirmative expressions: 'He doesn't like poodles'; 'She likes poodles'. It's very important to be able to form the negative of a given affirmative word or expression. By the way, when you do this quiz it may help to think of 'negative' as synonymous with 'opposite' in some of these questions.


You should be familiar with negative expressions such as:

This English quiz will test you on finding a negative expression from a positive one. See if you can get top marks.

1. What is the negative form of 'always'?
[ ] sometimes
[ ] never
[ ] rarely
[ ] infrequently
2. What is the negative form of 'does'?
[ ] don't
[ ] dosen't
[ ] doesn't
[ ] does n't
3. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
Lotion can SOOTHE skin that was once painful from being so dry and cracked.
[ ] calm
[ ] cracked
[ ] painful
[ ] relieve
4. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
The MAJORITY of the time I am happy and only the minority of the time I am sad.
[ ] most of
[ ] little
[ ] false
[ ] space
5. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
The girl CONSTANTLY talks so it would be surprising if she stopped talking.
[ ] can't do something
[ ] stopped
[ ] all the time
[ ] never
6. What is the negative form of 'everybody'?
[ ] someone
[ ] nobody
[ ] anybody
[ ] anyone
7. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the synonym in the sentence?
The CONCISE explanation was only a short paragraph.
[ ] short
[ ] long
[ ] compact
[ ] easy
8. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the synonym in the sentence?
We DEPLETED the money in our account after we spent every penny.
[ ] filled
[ ] learned
[ ] spent
[ ] emptied
9. What is the negative form of 'both...and..'?
[ ] this and that
[ ] either ... or ...
[ ] neither ... nor ...
[ ] not only ... but also ...
10. What is the negative form of 'all'?
[ ] none
[ ] a few
[ ] some
[ ] very few
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 4 Language - Negatives, Antonyms and Synonyms (Answers)
1. What is the negative form of 'always'?
[ ] sometimes
[x] never
[ ] rarely
[ ] infrequently
'Always' is absolute in meaning - so only 'never' will do
2. What is the negative form of 'does'?
[ ] don't
[ ] dosen't
[x] doesn't
[ ] does n't
'doesn't' can also be written as 'does not'. 'don't = do not' (separate words)
3. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
Lotion can SOOTHE skin that was once painful from being so dry and cracked.
[ ] calm
[ ] cracked
[ ] painful
[x] relieve
Soothe makes people feel relieved
4. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
The MAJORITY of the time I am happy and only the minority of the time I am sad.
[x] most of
[ ] little
[ ] false
[ ] space
The majority of something is most of it
5. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the antonym in the sentence?
The girl CONSTANTLY talks so it would be surprising if she stopped talking.
[ ] can't do something
[ ] stopped
[x] all the time
[ ] never
When something happens constantly, it happens all of the time
6. What is the negative form of 'everybody'?
[ ] someone
[x] nobody
[ ] anybody
[ ] anyone
'everybody' is absolute in meaning - so only 'nobody' will do
7. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the synonym in the sentence?
The CONCISE explanation was only a short paragraph.
[ ] short
[ ] long
[x] compact
[ ] easy
If something is concise, it would be compact
8. What is the meaning of the capitalized word based on the synonym in the sentence?
We DEPLETED the money in our account after we spent every penny.
[ ] filled
[ ] learned
[ ] spent
[x] emptied
Depleted means emptied because the money is gone from the account
9. What is the negative form of 'both...and..'?
[ ] this and that
[ ] either ... or ...
[x] neither ... nor ...
[ ] not only ... but also ...
In order to exclude two objects (both A and B), you must use 'neither ... nor ...' which excludes both objects: neither A nor B
10. What is the negative form of 'all'?
[x] none
[ ] a few
[ ] some
[ ] very few
'All' is absolute in meaning - so only 'none' will do