
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 5 Reading Literature - Onomatopoeia 2 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Onomatopoeia 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Sometimes it’s easier to say what we want to write. This is certainly the case when we want to explain the noise of a crashing window pane. That’s why we use words called onomatopoeias – they are words that spell sounds.

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1. Which word sounds like the noise a dog makes?
[ ] oink
[ ] woof
[ ] roar
[ ] meow
2. Which word describes the noise a runny tap makes?
[ ] drip
[ ] boing
[ ] bang
[ ] smash
3. This person is diving into the water. What sound will this make?
[ ] boing
[ ] meow
[ ] splash
[ ] whoosh
4. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The fire...
[ ] crackled
[ ] was hot
[ ] was red
[ ] banged
5. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The doorbell went...
[ ] boing
[ ] bang
[ ] ding dong
[ ] ding dang
6. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The crying baby screamed...
[ ] baa
[ ] meow
[ ] waaa
[ ] woof
7. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The bomb went...
[ ] ping
[ ] crackle
[ ] swoosh
[ ] boom
8. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The wolf went...
[ ] meow
[ ] cluck
[ ] grrr
[ ] hiccup
9. What noise will these children make when they jump?
[ ] bang
[ ] swoosh
[ ] boing
[ ] splash
10. What noise do bees make?
[ ] squeak
[ ] bleat
[ ] buzz
[ ] quack
English Language: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Grade 5 Reading Literature - Onomatopoeia 2 (Answers)
1. Which word sounds like the noise a dog makes?
[ ] oink
[x] woof
[ ] roar
[ ] meow
Onomatopoeias try to recreate the way a noise sounds through letters.
2. Which word describes the noise a runny tap makes?
[x] drip
[ ] boing
[ ] bang
[ ] smash
The word tells you what is happening and the sound it makes. All the other answers are onomatopoeias too.
3. This person is diving into the water. What sound will this make?
[ ] boing
[ ] meow
[x] splash
[ ] whoosh
A fixed diving board is called a platform.
4. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The fire...
[x] crackled
[ ] was hot
[ ] was red
[ ] banged
Every house should have a fire alarm fitted - it's best to be safe!
5. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The doorbell went...
[ ] boing
[ ] bang
[x] ding dong
[ ] ding dang
Nowadays you can change the sound of your doorbell, whereas before it always made a 'ding dong' noise.
6. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The crying baby screamed...
[ ] baa
[ ] meow
[x] waaa
[ ] woof
The word 'waaa' won't be in the dictionary as it's a made up word. It's a word used to explain a sound.
7. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The bomb went...
[ ] ping
[ ] crackle
[ ] swoosh
[x] boom
Onomatopoeias make your writing more vivid and interesting, so try to include one next time you write a story.
8. Finish this sentence with an onomatopoeia: The wolf went...
[ ] meow
[ ] cluck
[x] grrr
[ ] hiccup
Wolves live and hunt in groups called packs.
9. What noise will these children make when they jump?
[ ] bang
[ ] swoosh
[x] boing
[ ] splash
Trampolining is in the Olympics!
10. What noise do bees make?
[ ] squeak
[ ] bleat
[x] buzz
[ ] quack
For this, we could say they buzz or bzzzz.