
Verbal Reasoning Quiz - Insert a Letter 3 (Questions)

In this 11-plus verbal reasoning quiz, you must insert the letter that fits all four words.

In these questions the same letter must fit into both sets of brackets, to complete the word in front of the brackets and begin the word after the brackets. A good way of working them out is to quickly list all the letters that will work for the first word, and then strike out any that won’t work for the second. You should only be left with one letter, which is your answer.

Choose the button that has that answer from the four choices available. It is a good idea to write out the alphabet and keep it beside you as you work your way through these quizzes. That way you can try each letter without having to say the alphabet each time.

An example has been done for you below.

Example: col (?) ram bel (?) oll

The correct answer is t. By inserting “t” you can make the four words colt, tram, belt, and toll.
1. Choose the correct missing letter
har (?) one hel (?) uke
[ ] d
[ ] c
[ ] l
[ ] t
2. Choose the correct missing letter
cas (?) new dir (?) ids
[ ] e
[ ] d
[ ] k
[ ] p
3. Choose the correct missing letter
mas (?) ire ren (?) ake
[ ] h
[ ] t
[ ] s
[ ] a
4. Choose the correct missing letter
oxe (?) ear tow (?) ail
[ ] d
[ ] s
[ ] n
[ ] t
5. Choose the correct missing letter
pon (?) oke joe (?) elp
[ ] y
[ ] g
[ ] h
[ ] s
6. Choose the correct missing letter
ste (?) ise sle (?) est
[ ] w
[ ] d
[ ] y
[ ] i
7. Choose the correct missing letter
sho (?) rek fel (?) ool
[ ] s
[ ] w
[ ] t
[ ] d
8. Choose the correct missing letter
hoo (?) ups plo (?) our
[ ] d
[ ] p
[ ] r
[ ] k
9. Choose the correct missing letter
rea (?) ode fil (?) ilk
[ ] r
[ ] d
[ ] m
[ ] s
10. Choose the correct missing letter
tou (?) ilt fre (?) usk
[ ] t
[ ] r
[ ] g
[ ] h
Verbal Reasoning Quiz - Insert a Letter 3 (Answers)
1. Choose the correct missing letter
har (?) one hel (?) uke
[x] d
[ ] c
[ ] l
[ ] t
By inserting “d” you can make the four words hard, done, held and duke
2. Choose the correct missing letter
cas (?) new dir (?) ids
[ ] e
[ ] d
[x] k
[ ] p
By inserting “k” you can make the four words cask, knew, dirk and kids. A dirk is a small dagger
3. Choose the correct missing letter
mas (?) ire ren (?) ake
[ ] h
[x] t
[ ] s
[ ] a
By inserting “t” you can make the four words mast, tire, rent and take. Don't mix up tire: to become tired, with tyre: rubber surrounding a wheel!
4. Choose the correct missing letter
oxe (?) ear tow (?) ail
[ ] d
[ ] s
[x] n
[ ] t
By inserting “n” you can make the four words oxen, near, town and nail. Oxen is the plural of ox, an old fashioned word for a cow
5. Choose the correct missing letter
pon (?) oke joe (?) elp
[x] y
[ ] g
[ ] h
[ ] s
By inserting “y” you can make the four words pony, yoke, joey and yelp. A joey is a baby kangaroo
6. Choose the correct missing letter
ste (?) ise sle (?) est
[x] w
[ ] d
[ ] y
[ ] i
By inserting “w” you can make the four words stew, wise, slew and west. Slew is the past tense of slay, meaning to kill
7. Choose the correct missing letter
sho (?) rek fel (?) ool
[ ] s
[ ] w
[x] t
[ ] d
By inserting “t” you can make the four words shot, trek, felt and tool. A trek is a journey involving hardship, so think about Star Trek and you will understand the movies better!
8. Choose the correct missing letter
hoo (?) ups plo (?) our
[ ] d
[x] p
[ ] r
[ ] k
By inserting “p” you can make the four words hoop, pups, plop and pour
9. Choose the correct missing letter
rea (?) ode fil (?) ilk
[ ] r
[ ] d
[x] m
[ ] s
By inserting “m” you can make the four words ream, mode, film and milk. A ream is the name for 500 sheets of paper
10. Choose the correct missing letter
tou (?) ilt fre (?) usk
[x] t
[ ] r
[ ] g
[ ] h
By inserting “t” you can make the four words tout, tilt, fret and tusk