
Upper Primary School English Quiz - Vocabulary 32 - More Words that Express Feelings (Questions)

If you were an Indian cricket player and were selected to play for India in the cricket series against Australia what would be your state of mind?

On the contrary, if you were a player who played for India in the previous series against Sri Lanka and found that you were dropped for the series against Australia what would be your state of mind?

In the first case you would be experiencing an emotion or feeling of elation and in the second case an emotion or feeling of disappointment. Emotions and feelings are a part of life and are reactions that are triggered either by some external stimuli or by our internal thoughts. Usually it is difficult to separate the two but it is generally understood that feelings are more physical sensations, triggered by external stimuli and sometimes by internal thoughts, while emotions are triggered by internal thoughts and depict the state of mind of a person.

[readmore]There are many different emotions and feelings, like remorse, confusion, loneliness or hurt, to name just a few. The cricketers’ feelings fall into a separate category of elation or disappointment which are distinct from the other categories.

Day in and day out we interact with our family members, friends and business associates or schoolmates. We meet people who are not known to us, such as a ticket collector on the train or a salesperson in a shop. Some of these encounters make us happy, such as when a salesperson is able to help us make a choice, or unhappy, like when a person at the counter is unable to solve our problem. Our emotions and feelings are guided by our interactions and the kind of people we interact with. We develop these emotions and feelings over a period of time and they manifest themselves when we react in a particular way to a stimulus. Such feelings and emotions are expressed by certain specific words and these words have entered our vocabulary. By taking the quiz that follows you will learn some more of these words.
1. "My sister sang a --- lullaby to put her baby to sleep." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Gentle
[ ] Harsh
[ ] Loud
[ ] Noisy
2. "The bold student spoke --- to the headmaster while he complained about his teacher." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Rashly
[ ] Sheepishly
[ ] Sleepily
[ ] Confidently
3. "Pakistan is --- of India's standing in the global community." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Devastated
[ ] Envious
[ ] Furious
[ ] Sad
4. "My bus travelled through terrain that had some --- towns where even the stray dogs looked unhappy." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Bustling
[ ] Picturesque
[ ] Miserable
[ ] Idyllic
5. "The Speaker of the Lok Sabha --- the agitating members from saying anything unparliamentary." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Commended
[ ] Applauded
[ ] Praised
[ ] Cautioned
6. "Some raucous elements in the cinema hall were --- loud during the screening and people could not hear dialogues clearly." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Annoyingly
[ ] Beautifully
[ ] Musically
[ ] Creatively
7. "The office staff was --- to know what the manager told one of their members during the appraisal." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Indifferent
[ ] Jealous
[ ] Eager
[ ] Diffident
8. "Being involved in an accident involving two vehicles is the most -- experience one can encounter in life." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Pleasant
[ ] Frightening
[ ] Happy
[ ] Exciting
9. "After a hard day at the office I was not very --- about the idea of attending a party which I could avoid." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Despondent
[ ] Alarmed
[ ] Belligerent
[ ] Enthused
10. "Sonia Gandhi's --- moment in her life would be the day her son became Prime Minister of India." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Proudest
[ ] Saddest
[ ] Scariest
[ ] Hateful
Upper Primary School English Quiz - Vocabulary 32 - More Words that Express Feelings (Answers)
1. "My sister sang a --- lullaby to put her baby to sleep." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[x] Gentle
[ ] Harsh
[ ] Loud
[ ] Noisy
A mother's feeling towards her baby is always 'gentle', especially when she is trying to put the baby to sleep!
2. "The bold student spoke --- to the headmaster while he complained about his teacher." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Rashly
[ ] Sheepishly
[ ] Sleepily
[x] Confidently
You need to be 'confident' when you are facing people of higher authority if you want to convince them of something
3. "Pakistan is --- of India's standing in the global community." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Devastated
[x] Envious
[ ] Furious
[ ] Sad
'Envy' is a feeling that manifests itself when others are doing better than you are
4. "My bus travelled through terrain that had some --- towns where even the stray dogs looked unhappy." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Bustling
[ ] Picturesque
[x] Miserable
[ ] Idyllic
Even inanimate things like towns can make you feel 'miserable' when they display run down characteristics
5. "The Speaker of the Lok Sabha --- the agitating members from saying anything unparliamentary." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Commended
[ ] Applauded
[ ] Praised
[x] Cautioned
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the custodian and he has feelings for members' rights and duties and hence 'cautions' them to protect the sanctity of the house
6. "Some raucous elements in the cinema hall were --- loud during the screening and people could not hear dialogues clearly." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[x] Annoyingly
[ ] Beautifully
[ ] Musically
[ ] Creatively
When someone disturbs someone else 'annoyance' is a feeling that manifests itself
7. "The office staff was --- to know what the manager told one of their members during the appraisal." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Indifferent
[ ] Jealous
[x] Eager
[ ] Diffident
When a person is curious to know the outcome of something then they are 'eager' and can't wait to hear the result
8. "Being involved in an accident involving two vehicles is the most -- experience one can encounter in life." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Pleasant
[x] Frightening
[ ] Happy
[ ] Exciting
An accident not only hurts you physically but disturbs you mentally and getting involved in an accident is really 'frightening'
9. "After a hard day at the office I was not very --- about the idea of attending a party which I could avoid." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[ ] Despondent
[ ] Alarmed
[ ] Belligerent
[x] Enthused
When you are tired you need some strong motivation to be 'enthusiastic'
10. "Sonia Gandhi's --- moment in her life would be the day her son became Prime Minister of India." - Choose the appropriate word to fill the blank.
[x] Proudest
[ ] Saddest
[ ] Scariest
[ ] Hateful
'Pride' is a feeling you get when somebody close to you achieves something in life, or even if you achieve something yourself