
English Quiz - Prefixes (Questions)

Time for a fun KS2 English quiz all about prefixes! Prefixes are special letters added at the start of words. They change the meaning of the root word. 'Exhibit', 'expand', and 'extend' all have the 'ex-' prefix, meaning 'out'. Learning prefixes helps you understand new words.

Some prefixes are words on their own, like 'over'. Add it to words to make new ones, like overweight, overpriced, and overcook. Can you think of more?

Test your word skills with this cool English quiz!

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1. The prefix 'un-' (as in 'unhappy') means .......
[ ] ready
[ ] before
[ ] not
[ ] nearly
2. The prefix 'semi-' (as in 'semicircle') means .......
[ ] quarter
[ ] half
[ ] two
[ ] three
3. The prefix 'tri-' (as in 'triangle') means .......
[ ] quarter
[ ] half
[ ] two
[ ] three
4. The prefix 'mis-' (as in 'mistake') means .......
[ ] under
[ ] over
[ ] correctly
[ ] wrongly
5. The prefix 'sub-' (as in 'subway') means .......
[ ] under
[ ] over
[ ] around
[ ] behind
6. The prefix 'inter-' (as in 'international') means .......
[ ] enter
[ ] between
[ ] around
[ ] over
7. The prefix 'fore-' (as in 'forehead') means .......
[ ] invisible
[ ] after
[ ] behind
[ ] in front or before
8. The prefix 'anti-' (as in 'antibiotic') means .......
[ ] assisting
[ ] medicinal
[ ] against
[ ] not
9. The prefix 'pre-' (as in 'prehistoric') means .......
[ ] below
[ ] before
[ ] after
[ ] above
10. The prefix 'dis-' (as in 'disagree') means .......
[ ] to frighten
[ ] to spoil
[ ] to overturn
[ ] to remove or reverse

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Prefixes and suffixes

English Quiz - Prefixes (Answers)
1. The prefix 'un-' (as in 'unhappy') means .......
[ ] ready
[ ] before
[x] not
[ ] nearly
Other words beginning with the prefix 'un-' include: unlucky, unplug and unpack.
2. The prefix 'semi-' (as in 'semicircle') means .......
[ ] quarter
[x] half
[ ] two
[ ] three
Other words beginning with the prefix 'semi-' include: semifinal, semicolon and semiquaver.
3. The prefix 'tri-' (as in 'triangle') means .......
[ ] quarter
[ ] half
[ ] two
[x] three
Other words beginning with the prefix 'tri-' include: triathlon, triplet and tricycle.
4. The prefix 'mis-' (as in 'mistake') means .......
[ ] under
[ ] over
[ ] correctly
[x] wrongly
Other words beginning with the prefix 'mis-' include: misbehave, misadvise and misfit.
5. The prefix 'sub-' (as in 'subway') means .......
[x] under
[ ] over
[ ] around
[ ] behind
Other words beginning with the prefix 'sub-' include: submarine, subatomic and submit.
6. The prefix 'inter-' (as in 'international') means .......
[ ] enter
[x] between
[ ] around
[ ] over
Other words beginning with the prefix 'inter-' include: interact, interchange and interrupt.
7. The prefix 'fore-' (as in 'forehead') means .......
[ ] invisible
[ ] after
[ ] behind
[x] in front or before
Other words beginning with the prefix 'fore-' include: forecast, foresee and forearm.
8. The prefix 'anti-' (as in 'antibiotic') means .......
[ ] assisting
[ ] medicinal
[x] against
[ ] not
Other words beginning with the prefix 'anti-' include: anti-bacterial, anticlockwise and anti-gravity.
9. The prefix 'pre-' (as in 'prehistoric') means .......
[ ] below
[x] before
[ ] after
[ ] above
Other words beginning with the prefix 'pre-' include: preview, prepare and prefix.
10. The prefix 'dis-' (as in 'disagree') means .......
[ ] to frighten
[ ] to spoil
[ ] to overturn
[x] to remove or reverse
Other words beginning with the prefix 'dis-' include: disappoint, disappear and disgrace.