
History Quiz - Anglo Saxon Invaders (Questions)

A major theme in KS2 history is the Anglo Saxon culture. This is the first of four quizzes on the subject focussing in particular on the Germanic invaders of Britain in the early Middle tribes - Angle, Saxon and Jute.

The Anglo Saxon and Jute invaders were Germanic peoples who raided Britain after the Romans had left. Eventually they settled and farmed the land. They were comprised of three Germanic tribes - the Angles from Angeln (in modern Germany), the Saxons from Lower Saxony in Germany, and the Jutes, possibly from the Jutland peninsula (in modern Denmark). These tribes formed new kingdoms in Britain such as East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria, Wessex, Sussex, Essex and other minor kingdoms. These were all merged together in the 10th Century and became the new nation of England.

Take this quiz to find out what you know about the Anglo Saxon and Jute Invaders of Britain.

1. Who wrote down the stories about the Anglo Saxon invaders?
[ ] Alfred the Great
[ ] Bede
[ ] King Arthur
[ ] Vortigern
2. Where did the first Saxon invaders come from?
[ ] Germany and Denmark
[ ] Denmark and France
[ ] Germany and Sweden
[ ] Germany and France
3. Which of these peoples invaded Britain during the 400s?
[ ] Picts and Scots
[ ] Angles
[ ] Jutes
[ ] All of these
4. What did the Romans do to prevent the Saxon raids?
[ ] Sailed to Germany to defeat the Saxons
[ ] Sent more legions to Britain
[ ] Nothing
[ ] Built coastal forts
5. Who settled in the South of England?
[ ] Angles
[ ] Saxons
[ ] Jutes
[ ] Franks
6. Where did the Angles settle?
[ ] Kent and Midlands
[ ] Midlands and South
[ ] East Anglia, Midlands and the North of England
[ ] East Anglia and South
7. Who was the British leader that hired other Saxons to help defend their land?
[ ] Vortigern
[ ] Bede
[ ] King Arthur
[ ] Alfred the Great
8. Who was said to have won a great battle against the Anglo Saxons around 500 CE?
[ ] Bede
[ ] King Arthur
[ ] Vortigern
[ ] Alfred the Great
9. Where did the Anglo Saxons never invade?
[ ] Wales
[ ] Scotland
[ ] Cornwall
[ ] All of these
10. What was the land invaded by the Anglo Saxons named?
[ ] Saxony
[ ] Britain
[ ] England
[ ] Anglia

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Why did the Anglo-Saxons come to Britain?

History Quiz - Anglo Saxon Invaders (Answers)
1. Who wrote down the stories about the Anglo Saxon invaders?
[ ] Alfred the Great
[x] Bede
[ ] King Arthur
[ ] Vortigern
Bede was a monk in the 8th Century
2. Where did the first Saxon invaders come from?
[x] Germany and Denmark
[ ] Denmark and France
[ ] Germany and Sweden
[ ] Germany and France
The ancestors of the English originated in modern day Germany and Denmark
3. Which of these peoples invaded Britain during the 400s?
[ ] Picts and Scots
[ ] Angles
[ ] Jutes
[x] All of these
Picts and Scots colonised what is now Scotland and Jutes, Angles and Saxons colonised what is now England
4. What did the Romans do to prevent the Saxon raids?
[ ] Sailed to Germany to defeat the Saxons
[ ] Sent more legions to Britain
[ ] Nothing
[x] Built coastal forts
These were abandoned in 410 when the Romans left Britain
5. Who settled in the South of England?
[ ] Angles
[x] Saxons
[ ] Jutes
[ ] Franks
The Saxons settled in the South - Essex, Sussex, Wessex and Middlesex are all named after them
6. Where did the Angles settle?
[ ] Kent and Midlands
[ ] Midlands and South
[x] East Anglia, Midlands and the North of England
[ ] East Anglia and South
The Angles founded kingdoms in the Midlands (Mercia), East Anglia and the North of England (Northumbria)
7. Who was the British leader that hired other Saxons to help defend their land?
[x] Vortigern
[ ] Bede
[ ] King Arthur
[ ] Alfred the Great
At first they helped him but later attacked him and took his land
8. Who was said to have won a great battle against the Anglo Saxons around 500 CE?
[ ] Bede
[x] King Arthur
[ ] Vortigern
[ ] Alfred the Great
No one knows if the stories about King Arthur are true
9. Where did the Anglo Saxons never invade?
[ ] Wales
[ ] Scotland
[ ] Cornwall
[x] All of these
The Anglo Saxons only conquered what was to become England
10. What was the land invaded by the Anglo Saxons named?
[ ] Saxony
[ ] Britain
[x] England
[ ] Anglia
All of the kingdoms of the Anglo Saxons were united by King Æthelstan in 927