
Maths Quiz - Shapes (Year 3) (Questions)

In KS2 Maths, you'll explore cool shapes! Year three is all about 2D and 3D shapes like circles, triangles, and cubes. Get ready for pentagons, hexagons, spheres, cylinders, and pyramids! Learn fancy words like vertices, edges, and faces.

Shapes have angles, faces, and edges. Some are flat (2D) like triangles, and some are solid (3D) like cubes. Exciting, right? Do you have a favourite shape?

How much do you know about shapes? Can you spot the difference between squares and cubes? What are vertices? Test your shape skills in this fun quiz!

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1. What are the corners of a shape also known as?
[ ] Faces
[ ] Angles
[ ] Edges
[ ] Vertices
2. Which shape has only one edge?
[ ] Square
[ ] Circle
[ ] Triangle
[ ] Pentagon
3. How many faces does a cube have?
[ ] 2
[ ] 4
[ ] 6
[ ] 8
4. What is the name for all polygons with 4 sides?
[ ] Square
[ ] Cube
[ ] Rectangle
[ ] Quadrilateral
5. What is the name of the shape that resembles a ball?
[ ] Hemisphere
[ ] Cone
[ ] Sphere
[ ] Semicircle
6. How many sides does a hexagon have?
[ ] 5
[ ] 6
[ ] 7
[ ] 8
7. What is the name of the shape with five sides?
[ ] Pentagon
[ ] Hexagon
[ ] Octagon
[ ] Cylinder
8. Which 3D shape has three faces and two edges?
[ ] Cube
[ ] Cylinder
[ ] Prism
[ ] Cone
9. Which shape is half of a circle?
[ ] Semicircle
[ ] Hemisphere
[ ] Oval
[ ] Prism
10. Which shape has a square face and four triangular faces?
[ ] Prism
[ ] Cylinder
[ ] Pyramid
[ ] Sphere

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - 2D shapes

Maths Quiz - Shapes (Year 3) (Answers)
1. What are the corners of a shape also known as?
[ ] Faces
[ ] Angles
[ ] Edges
[x] Vertices
The singular term for vertices is vertex
2. Which shape has only one edge?
[ ] Square
[x] Circle
[ ] Triangle
[ ] Pentagon
A circle has no vertices
3. How many faces does a cube have?
[ ] 2
[ ] 4
[x] 6
[ ] 8
Every face is a square
4. What is the name for all polygons with 4 sides?
[ ] Square
[ ] Cube
[ ] Rectangle
[x] Quadrilateral
A square and a rectangle are both quadrilaterals
5. What is the name of the shape that resembles a ball?
[ ] Hemisphere
[ ] Cone
[x] Sphere
[ ] Semicircle
A sphere is like a 3 dimensional circle
6. How many sides does a hexagon have?
[ ] 5
[x] 6
[ ] 7
[ ] 8
One way to remember this is that both heXagon and siX have a letter X in them
7. What is the name of the shape with five sides?
[x] Pentagon
[ ] Hexagon
[ ] Octagon
[ ] Cylinder
Pentagons have 5 sides and a pentagram is a 5 pointed star
8. Which 3D shape has three faces and two edges?
[ ] Cube
[x] Cylinder
[ ] Prism
[ ] Cone
A cylinder is like a tube with circles at each end
9. Which shape is half of a circle?
[x] Semicircle
[ ] Hemisphere
[ ] Oval
[ ] Prism
A hemisphere is half of a sphere
10. Which shape has a square face and four triangular faces?
[ ] Prism
[ ] Cylinder
[x] Pyramid
[ ] Sphere
The pyramids in Egypt are ancient buildings which are the shape of a pyramid